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I hate my fellow gays sometime

omg i got so mad waiting for the bus. this skinny, douche, gay guy was going on to his friend on the phone how he hates fat gay men. talking about how they shouldn't be in any club cause they don't look sexy. i cant stand that! if you were to call him a fag, he would defend to the death he was born that way, but by god let the gay guy be fat and he has no business being sociable and meeting other men. Its stereotypical assholes like him that make the whole being gay thing into a fad. being gay isn't a fad or a life choice, its just being gay. I hate the idea that if I'm gay i have to act a specific way. i feel the same about other stereotypes too. i don't have to dress like a thug and waste me money on expensive, shiny, bs to be black. i don't have to be from the middle east and hate America to be a true Muslim, etc, etc. i swear some people need to grow a brain.

On a lighter note, here is a update on my commissions I'm currently working on.

Commission status:

Setsuki - Coloring

Rab - Inking

Rave Racoon - Comic layout soon
Viewed: 158 times
Added: 12 years, 1 month ago
12 years, 1 month ago
If only there was a button to fav journals...
12 years, 1 month ago
aww thanks.
12 years, 1 month ago
With that much drama maybe he's a closeted furry?
12 years, 1 month ago
lol right. now he just seems a lil spoiled. i don't hate him, i pity him. hes going to miss out on so many wonderful men because he chose to focus on only looks.
12 years, 1 month ago
XD well, let's be fair. 99% of the stereotypes are bad, per se.
I don't mind gay people. But I dislike the stereotypical gay male.

Stereotypes are the problem!
12 years, 1 month ago
i agree.
12 years, 1 month ago
oh i understand there.. that's why i dont go to anymore gay bars around here.. too much bs about ugly gay men
i'm just so sick of being told i'm ugly simply because i have a few extra lbs on me.. yknow i was told "ugly guys make good drag queens.. you'd make a good drag queen hun" yeah, that's just bitchy lol
12 years, 1 month ago
yeah. i cant stand it. to be honest, i like a guy with some extra pounds on him. the muscle guys are nice, but i like a guy who looks like your usual joe. tall, masculine, some gut, the kinda guy that you would be surprised to find out was actually gay.
12 years, 1 month ago
lol exactly, if i didn't tell someone irl, they'd have no clue. that's how most actual gay guys look like.. mind you i said ACTUAL gay guys.. as you said to them it's a fad.. just like people have made bisexuality into a fad. it's annoying, just be what you are, not a frickin stereotype lol
12 years, 1 month ago
whoever said that to you can choke on a dick.
12 years, 1 month ago
*blushes* fank yous *huggies and licks your cheek* i dont understand why some gay guys have to be such pricks
12 years, 1 month ago
cause everyone is capable of being an asshole, and being an asshole is a conscious choice. I don't think people are just naturally and unintentionally assholes. You really have to be deliberate to be an asshole, at least for me. If I'm being a piece of shit, I'm choosing to be that way, naturally I just act friendly and nice. I think most people naturally feel the need to be polite to others, or we're socialized that way, but to be a dick to others, you really gotta choose that. It takes up so much energy to be angry and mean to people, or to be highly judgmental and bitchy. It's tiresome, I dunno how people can do that for so long.
12 years, 1 month ago
I would predict that this person's lack of tact in public would persist regardless of his sexual orientation. To all fellow human beings... we can hear you when you're talking on the phone right next to us. Sometimes I want to call disturbing the peace on that.
12 years, 1 month ago
right. reminds me of this one movie i saw back in high school when a guy was talking on his phone in on the street real loud about him giving his wife a STD.
12 years, 1 month ago
stereotypical gays are the most annoying and turnoff-ish people. I cringe when i hear another really skinny,  gay lisping,  "show the world how 'fabulous' you are", flaming  gay annoyance!!!!!!  ( knows a handful of peopel like that)  im a closet by but peopel like that   ugh i hated them not cause of how gay they were but how annoying outspoken and confrontational they were. If they'd have toned it done just a little instead of feign the need to rub it in everyone face and get annoyed when peopel couldn't stand it.  i have stories.... i stopped hanging out with them they were my friends friends too and i told her i cant stand them and wont hang out with  them. >.<

*sigh* someone is gonna read this and take it the wrong way i'm sure.  But yeah i see where your coming from and sorry i got off topic with little explanation.~
12 years, 1 month ago
no i understand how you feel. ive meet some gay guys that for them, every day was pride say. I understand if thats how you are, hell, my best friend Jcapricorn is one of the most effeminate gay males ive ever met, but even he comes off natural with it. i see what you mean, your not saying that a flaming effeminate gay man is bad, just that its not the normal, and you would respect people not ramming it down your throat. im the same way with religion. im a religious guy believe it or not, but i keep it to my self. If there's one thing i cant stand, is another religious person, even of my own, coming up to me out of nowhere and preaching to me when I'm not in the mood.
12 years, 1 month ago
yeah  i was raid christian  and i still hold true to my religious believes. I so think the church oversteps its boundaries and tosses its weight around where it shouldn't way  too much. usually they manage to do it more discreet. I remember when my mom went from somewhat religious to overly religious, it got on my nerves and she "church-ed" me to death. I have my beliefs but  i dont put them in others faces or continually pres them with it, and ive always been open minded, so for a lot of things i can never understand why peopel feel the need to be hard pressed to prove or show their opinion. I can understand without action things dont get done but there should be ( and probably is) a limit or a fine line where its consider too much and your stressing something can cause rebellion and the opposite affect. this goes for religion and gay pride.

again i feel i went off topic, but yeah i know both sides of these coins.~
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah, not all gay people are pleasant to be around. Just like not all straight or bisexual people, (insert ethnicity or lackthereof here) people, or (insert religious or political views here) people are pleasant to be around. I put a lot more value in how a person treats others than the superficial stuff. :3
12 years, 1 month ago
12 years, 1 month ago
I second this journal in the name of all that is correct XD
12 years, 1 month ago
Trust me, man. I know the feeling. Being African American myself... (I can barely go a day w/o a black guy on the news who got shot, did the shooting or both. and THAT'S just the tip of the iceberg)
12 years, 1 month ago
know what you mean man. when i was in high school i used to get the thug wanna be's telling me i wasn't black cause i liked rock music and didn't dress like them. due to that i had a bit of negativity towards other brothers but college everything for me. i met so many people of different creeds, colors, beliefs, and even some people that looked like stereotypes but were completely different. tought me even more how not to judge by looks and have a open mind.
12 years, 1 month ago
" Poisson7 wrote:
know what you mean man. when i was in high school i used to get the thug wanna be's telling me i wasn't black cause i liked rock music and didn't dress like them. due to that i had a bit of negativity towards other brothers but college everything for me. i met so many people of different creeds, colors, beliefs, and even some people that looked like stereotypes but were completely different. tought me even more how not to judge by looks and have a open mind.

I never was able to make any black friends in my area,cause every black dude i ever met in flint or lansing talked,dressed and acted like a hardcore gangsta....which always scared the hell outta THIS timid mouse...especially after getting beaten,mugged and shot at by three of them*shudders*wish i could forget the sound of the bullet as it passed a inch away from my ear
You sound like a pretty groovy dude....i think you would be totally awesome to hang out with.
Party on dude
12 years, 1 month ago
and they say bigotry is exclusively white? XD
12 years, 1 month ago
damn right honey~              


not liek that at all. anyways, you're right, I hate how some gays can be so... gay =/
12 years, 1 month ago
I agree with you on this fully
12 years, 1 month ago
No one should be judged like that based on their looks. I say everyone should be allowed <3 but douches like that exist and we just have to deal with it.
12 years, 1 month ago
Always liked fat gay dudes...they have the kindest hearts and make great mates....my mate of 5 years is fat...sadly a series of unfortunate events forced me to stop seeing him https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3068228/
Always was a bit of a  chubby chaser so i can never understand such a shallow perspective as the dude you spoke of
12 years, 1 month ago
By god I hate that kind of gay, that's pretty much twinking at it's worst -.-

I'm not skinny but I'm not fat, just a regular build with some lil love handles
I don't look boyish nor bearish, I just have a regular face n some fuzz

I don't act like a twink or any other kind of gay: I just act like a human being, why can't prats like this?

Chances are this kid will miss out on some of the best friends he could ever have, because although it is a little stereotypical to say it, most larger people? generally tend to be the best to talk to n get to know given everything they get put through
12 years, 1 month ago
I'm pretty damn overweight, but not "can't do physical activity" fat. I'm also incredibly hairy, I speak like any other guy, I have close to no sense of fashion (I buy my clothes from thrift stores, consignment shops, and goodwill), I'm not interested in anything remotely LGBT by stereotype (dislike Lady Gaga, don't watch Project Runway, hate girly drinks). In leiu, I love beer, I love sports, I love music people wouldn't associate with gays (Jay Reatard, The Stooges). I pretty much seem straight other than that I'm not... and my new haircut.

But yeah I've yet to go clubbing but I'd feel so the fuck out of place at a gay club or bar. I'd be laughed out of there or confused as someone's straight friend who got dragged to the club. Besides, twinks make for some pretty shitty boyfriends. If I wanted to date catty cheerleader types, I'd date women. Grow a pair, twinks, enjoy being men!
12 years, 1 month ago
Well, that's the whole thing of naming oneself as "gay" I mean, tags have meaning and "gay" means a lot more than just liking same sex partners. This describes a socio-economic and political way to see the world very specific, related mostly to the typical stereotype (white male, between 20 and 30 years old, middle to high class...) all the other people who don't enter in this description just fall into discrimination and are victims of jokes or hate. That's why I, even being a male who likes other males, don't call myself "gay", in fact I don't like tags at all so I don't try to have one for me. In this matter I agree a lot with some of the Queer Theory, in the part about getting rid of tags and names and just try to live our lives as we want as long as we respect each other.
About the specific theme of the fatties... I have a, sort of, personal crusade on that matter. I've always liked chubs and been one myself for many years too, and I really hate when people talk about this like it's some kind of disease. I have a lot of arguments about the matter but this comment just got too long to add them... hehehe
The thing is, I totally agree with you about how that guy will lose some good friends or partners and will win a lot of disappointment and pain if he keeps choosing people by the "rules" of that horrible stereotype.
12 years, 1 month ago
As a bear-sized guy IRL, thank you for your comments. I find that I can go to no "gay place" without discovering that I'm somehow stinking up the place by having my twelve thousand pound cellulite-ridden body poisoning the atmosphere. They see me as having a 100" waistline, twenty-seven chins, dozens of jowls, and causing disturbances on the Richter scale with each step. I'm nowhere near such proportions (I'm not Eddie Murphy's celluloid horror), but if I even speak to these twinks, they scream as if they've been infected by airborne carbs.

Actor and comedian (and bear-sized guy) Victor Buono wrote a series of hilarious poems; to quote from one:
"I find it inconceivable that one would find believable
The notion that one must have a shape exactly like his chum;
I simply won't apologize for being of a grander size --
When everyone's a seedless grape, it's great to be a plum!"
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeeaaaah. No offense to the people who do, but I really dislike the guys that try to talk and act like chicks just cause they're gay, it's one of the big stereotypes that are so far from the truth it's funny, at least with a good deal of gay men. Sadly, like any stereotype there's a shred of truth in it because there are guys out there that do it. ._.

On the topic of heavier people, I mean, they're people too, I don't see why some guys are so shallow to think that just cause someone may not be 80 pounds means that they are't worth socializing with. Isn't it their personality that you have to look for, not their looks? But then again, that's society now adays, all they care about is looks. :\ At least most normal guys.
12 years, 1 month ago
people are dipshits.
12 years, 1 month ago
Fat gay men are some of the sweetest people I've ever met and they are so fun to cuddle. ^.^

I hate when people condemn others for their physical form. The way some people look don't really scratch my interest but if they have a good personality and we get along who gives a fuck if he's overweight, has marks on their skin, etc. People are still people no matter gender, orientation, race, or looks. I do get aggravated when they decide to say shit like that and turn themselves into some of the biggest hypocrites around. Can't really do anything about it but boy will I throw a bitch fit if I ever hear a gay man be a dick like that to someone overweight.
12 years, 1 month ago
i know exactly how you feel.

i like to wear thongs so lots of gays thing i'm a slut.

but i'm not.

sometimes even our own people need to have their ass kicked.
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