The Great Sate AKA Winter Solstice is the Durism big holiday of the year. It's kinda our Christmas but it's December 21st instead. This year is rather special in particular because it falls on a full moon or it kinda does. According to the official scientific definition of the moon's cycles it does but that includes all 3 days when according to the Durist calender it's only the center of those three days so basically we're gonna miss it by 1 day. Anywho I'll take it as it is as an excuse to have fun.
According to Durist beliefs a full moon on winter solstice marks the battle of Dur and Ulfberht, which was the founding of our faith. People who follow Norse mythology will know it as the battle of Tyr and Fafnir and for those into children's stories it's the original version of the events that unfolded in the Three Little Pigs, The Billy Goats Gruff or The Wolf And 7 Baby Goats because they are actually all stories derived from this story's origin.
A lumberjack named Woad ('wood' in old Norse) AKA Odin if you're Norse is exiled from his village for fears that he's too old and will be too much of a hindrance. Alone in the forest he's attacked by a wolf called Ulfberht ('wolf-born' in old Norse. quite literally called 'son of a bitch' and all that entails) AKA Fafnir if you're Norse but a goat named Dur ('thud' in old Norse) AKA Tyr for Norse people rushes in to defend the man and fights the wolf off supposedly losing a limb or the use of a limb in the process, possibly temporarily.
On returning to the village, Woad introduces the new philosophy of the maintenance of life and thus begins the religion of Durism with Dur quite literally ascending to become the god of storms and Woad receiving magical powers from the new knowledge of nature.
Following these events much later Ulfberht by comparison proceeds to try and win over the hearts of men to exterminate Durism worship, which arguably they did with the rise of the Roman Empire and their attempts to eradicate the old beliefs eventually succeeding via their successors the Vatican during the Renaissance, the Romans being descendants of a Spartan Ulfberht tribe from ancient Greece and were rather proud to be so.
The day is typically spent feasting on preserved foods such as dried fruit and nuts or foods containing them including various types of pudding, cakes and breads which include a few associated with Christmas such as stollen, fruitcake and Christmas pudding. Alcohol is very much a tradition of the day but traditionally it's bitter mead that's drunk and absolutely not wine made from grapes. That is a major faux pas of the holiday. Using olive oil is also a faux pas.
The house is decorated with plants and most certainly nothing red in color because that's a faux pas and we await the arrival of Dur who will leap to the rooftop and come down the chimney to deliver gifts of coal, silver and poppets to the homes of only most needy.
Children who are from abusive families however are taken away by Dur in the middle of the night to become part of his herd as spirit guides to the human race to lead them on the path of kindness to all living things.
Traditionally toenail clippings are left by the children's bed to tell Dur that this child is well cared for and alcohol (definitely not made from grapes) is left out for Dur to enjoy during the night.
Dur works tirelessly so even though he likes company, he's often short with people due to his tight deadline. He's depicted as being rather bitter about mankind's treatment of nature and isn't very tolerant of human behaviors, in particular the pursuit of wealth and destruction of habitat, though is often warmed by touching family values.
Dur unlike Santa is not trying to keep himself a secret and in fact prefers to tell everyone about himself if he has time. The only reason he sneaks in and delivers the gifts is because people are often busy during the day and at night he's trying not to wake people.
Stories are often told by the fire by the eldest of the family with the tale of Donkeyskin being a popular favorite and Aesop's fables being a faux pas. Lovers are also encouraged to hug and kiss and possibly do something much more than that this night as any children conceived at this time are considered blessed by Dur and preordained to be dutiful and honorable people, which is different to the loyal and kind attributes often associated with Christmas, though in all practicality that's not likely to be the case with all the booze knocking around this day.
Since a moon's cycle is 29.5 days, Great Sate month which is comparable to the twelve days of Christmas actually begins on the 22nd of November which this year is also Thanksgiving, which itself is a variation of the Great Sate holiday.
So since it just passed midnight a few minutes ago that makes today (the 21st of November) basically Great Sate month eve. For me that's the start of the Yule season and so that's why I've made this journal now.
So may love find those that respect all life and may their children grow up healthy and well cared for.
(this is actually a Durist blessing. I looked it up)
Especially on this month (or basically just these 30 days), the season of satisfaction and the time to show gratitude for gifts of nature we have received so far, whether it be romance, family or longevity.
Everyone look to each other as siblings and bury the axe this year so that new life can spring forth.
Let the pursuits of the world step aside, now is a time of enjoying one another's company.
Be happy, love, spread happiness and be loved in return.
These are the days of life itself and life should live it the best life can.
(that last line really translates horribly into English. There's 3 different words in the original text but in English they translate to 3 different definitions of the word 'life')
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6 years, 2 months ago
21 Nov 2018 01:26 CET