Sun blazed blistering light down upon a valley of thick golden grass, the virgin purity of nature filling the land with a sense of pride. A hot breeze blowing the long strands of yellow lazily about, the savanna grass looked almost like the waves of an ocean, the sounds of rustling strands sounding like the soft crash of water upon a golden beach. A lone, bare zebra lay under the shadow of a great tree, the shuttering light of the leaves above him dancing across his fur, a stripey mismatch of white and black that jut across his body with jagged beauty. His soft eyes where closed, his mind dancing under the heavy euphoria of sleep, and his Masculine, thick body was slumped against the dark, dry bark. completely naked he lay, save for a simple tan-colored loincloth that dangled between his thighs, as his abs glistened from a layer of sweat that gleamed off his fur, the heat taking a toll on the dreaming horse even under the shade of the tree. His face was peaceful, except perhaps the flushed blotch of pink that showed through the white patches of fur of his muzzle, and the slight flare of his nostrils as he let in and out heavy, long breaths from his nose. From afar, the stallion appeared still, not moving an inch from his place, but with closer inspection one could see that betwixt his thick, hoofed legs, his a thick, ebony-purple member began to poke it’s thick head out of it’s furry, multicolored sheathe, his dreams taking an arousing toll on his sleeping body.
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13 years ago
17 Mar 2012 00:22 CET