General Updates: Got myself a second part time job doing flower deliveries. Should help alleviate some financial stress. Good news is that I can leave my computer rendering while I'm working. It's been a bit stressful otherwise. With these bigger projects, it means I'm not posting as much and because of that, my Patreon is dipping. I'm hoping that once these bigger projects are posted that it picks back up. I'm planning on Patreon being my primary income source. I want to be able to create quality content for the furry/vore community. But it's currently not sustainable where it's at right now, hence the part time jobs.
With that being said, I am planning on a promotional raffle once my website is complete. The prize will likely be something 3D related and a "bite me" t-shirt! The final prize offer will be determined by how many total entries there are. Entries will simply be watchers/followers, no need to comment in any journals. You can obviously enter more than once if you watch/follow on more than one platform. More details about that as the website nears completion.
Lastly, I REALLY appreciate those have supported me so far on Patreon and in general and have stuck around. I honestly can't stress enough how thankful I am. Like I said above, I want to do this full time and we're over halfway to the patreon goal and it hasn't even been a year since I quit my full time job to put my efforts into this. You guys are the best~ Thank you <3
Anywho, I hope you guys have a wonderful October and a spooky Halloween~