My mom's doing alright. Might be trying to come down with a head cold, stupid flu shots do not work I swear those doctors are TRYING to get you sick! But at any rate things are......OK, but not fine.
Firstly, my brother's baby (little over 2 months now) has surgery tomorrow at 1 PM. You know that thing where you're born with your lip missing a big piece? Their doing the surgery to PREVENT that. He does not have it, but his lip will break in half as he gets older. So their getting to it now before it gets too far.
Expecting a lot of crying nights. My mom had $1300 due to being stuck in the hospital a while back due to surgery on her foot. $200 is going for Bryson's (the grand baby) surgery. Oddly my brother said "they have enough put back for a upcoming football game"....huh.
About $650 of mom's money is going on the tree that fell behind our house a month ago. I thought about cutting it myself BBBBUUUUUUTTTT it's in half, tall enough to land into our pond (badly overgrown. Any other route it will be smashing our house, the shed, or brother's trailer. So I'd have a 50% of the tree falling and hurting somebody so I can't really do that...
My parents had a big argument the other day. We keep saying it was mom's money but she hasn't got to do anything with it. We were going to eat out Friday, but my brother put on a BIG, and I mean HHHHHUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEEEE guilt trip on her. I am serious.
For people who claims to be short on money they are eating out daily and can afford tickets to football games. Yeah I ain't buying it. But he has bipolar. Look up Darth Vader, then look up Tirek, then FUSE the two and they wouldn't even last a moment against my brother when he's full on mad. You can just "look" a certain way and he digs a deep hole by asking you about it.
My mom wanted to start Christmas shopping early this year but that's shot to Tartarus (H + ell, look it up) and back. Money + us = you sure money isn't evil? I hate that she suffered a week in the hospital, got $1300 out of it through Unum (dad's work has it as insurance I think) and it's nearly gone before she got to do anything. It's just isn't fair.
I get dad. If the rest of that tree falls we could DIE overnight, lose the shed, and brother gets a damaged home. It's a lose lose battle that my parents got pretty heated about. Brother got his bipolar from somewhere. >_> So that's pretty much how things are at the money. Rocky ice. God if I could cut that tree down myself and not regret it. >_>
A little bit of good news! Brother and his wife bought Bryson a Halloween costume. Alabama's Elephant. There's a mask I wanted to get for over a year now myself. Was $100, now it's $73 (the guy might be close to ceasing making it) and while I can bring it up after tomorrow.....I just don't think I can get it.
I don't want to waste anymore of mom's money, only 1 guy has been commissioning me for over a couple months now, it's just not going to happen. Aw well, more important things to worry about. I can at least give her my money to start her Christmas shopping when the month gets here.
Life is a roller coaster with more downs than it has ups. You just gotta be there when it matters and just hope what you can do is enough. I'll let you guys know how Bryson's surgery goes tomorrow. Thanks for reading. ^^;
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6 years, 5 months ago
01 Oct 2018 01:37 CEST