I moved my main operations over to Weasyl, what, four years ago? Give or take? And I haven't really looked back on any of my other sites since, with the exception of some behind the scenes stuff. (Quietly using FA notes to commission people, etc. Lurking, basically.)
PostyBirb is now a thing, though! From one app, I can post my updates pretty much everywhere. Well, almost everywhere. It can't do multiple logins to one site, so I still have to copy things over on my two Fur Affinity accounts manually. Oh, well.
Other than that, though, I figured this would be a good "Hey why not" sort of thing for my other galleries. It's kind of like how all my Dreamwidth posts automatically mirror to my old LiveJournal. For the same amount of effort, I can keep posting to Weasyl and have my other galleries get it too.
Please note that this does not mean I am "back" on other sites or that I will spend, like, any effort at all maintaining them. Comments on other sites are somewhat less likely to be read, and almost guaranteed not to be responded to. If you want a live conversation, please join me on my Weasyl gallery. The other sites are auto-generated and barely-monitored mirrors. Thank you.
I also have, like, four and a half years' worth of commissions and stuff I put on Weasyl that I'm not even going to try porting over elsewhere. Come see them all there, sorry! PostyBirb makes it zero-effort to mirror things across all my galleries going forward, though!
Current places where I'm actually active: * kjorteo.net is supposed to be a hub for this sort of information but admittedly it hasn't been updated in a while * Dreamwidth * Weasyl * I have a Telegram channel whose purpose is basically to announce and link to whenever I post stuff. It's mostly for Telegram friends who can't be bothered to actually get a Dreamwidth account and need to be linked whenever I have a new game review or whatever. :P