Iam still not sure about it because sometimes it was really frustrating in the past and i dont have that much time now anymore.
The ones iam aiming at are the machine ones and maybe tentacles because theyre fun and not that hard todo.
Anyways so i give it a try now but prefer cubs for the beginn :P
Prices would be like 20€ for a Machine- and 30€ for a Tentacle-Loop-animation, fully rendered, 1280x720 Flash and half sized Gif of each View so you can enjoy it on mobiles too.
Maybe there will be a little extra you have to pay for the charakter creation but i have way more experience at modelling and abit more with texturing so i try to keep that for free.
So, what youre thinking about that? good or bad idea? XD
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6 years, 7 months ago
30 Jul 2018 00:55 CEST