Read the headline!!! To summarize Pal V.I.P need at least 18 new members by the end of the month or they'll be in financial struggle again; which could probably lead to them closing their sites for good.
If you guys love their work then I highly considered joining Pal V.I.P. You get exclusive pics and comics that are not available from the free sites; and a exclusive Porfirio of pics not even released on either sites yet (this month it Loud House Pics).
And when you join by you get access to other hentai sites such as ZONE-Archive, Animepixxx, Hentai Move Planet, Slavetoon and many more. (Most site even do request; I just got my request of Kallen (code geass) and Aki (yugioh 5d's) scissoring on Animepixxx. ^^)
Also if humans aren't your thing then Mobius Unleashed is a good place for anthro content including Sonic (of course), MLP, Digimon, Pokemon and many other exclusive furry pics and comics.
So it would do a lot for them if you can join Pal VIP. If you can't then spreading the word can do a lot to.
i've been meaning to go join his pietro's club again i had to leave in march too save up for a switch lol but now i've got it so i could join in the pietro's club again X3 for some more bondage pictures :D
i've been meaning to go join his pietro's club again i had to leave in march too save up for a swit