Should you need a reference, let me know. I will send you the image I have.
That will be the first part of it, first the drawing artist and when some/most of the pics are done I will let the writing artists choose their pic, so they can start working.
Choose as much you want.
At the moment I have 10 people who said, who want to draw something. That's why - atm - the max for one person will be 10 - and no, you don't have to draw 10 pics.
You can write me a private message with your numbers or a comment under the list. Your choice.
Please wait, till I give my okay. I don't want someone to start on something for nothing.
Under the list is a counter for the pairings.
4 Pairings have to get 17 pictures and 2 pairings 'only' 16 pictures to get the 100 full. Or maybe someone knows 2 more positions. ;)
The deadline for the pictures will be at the end of December 2018. Should someone need more time, talk to me.
The writers will also get enough time to get their work done. My goal for the release is May or June 2019.
I want all to have enough time!
The images should be at least 1500x1500 px and 300 dpi. PNG is prefered, JPG is also allowed.
alle eingetragen.. wenn du weißt, welche parinigs du machen möchtest, sag mir welche es sind.. nummer brauch ich nich.. nur welche 4 pairings halt.. :)
alle eingetragen.. wenn du weißt, welche parinigs du machen möchtest, sag mir welche es sind.. numme