I was calling this year's Furry Fiesta "Awkwardcon 2012" for various reasons but I am glad to say it wasn't nearly as awkward as I thought it'd be!
In fact I had a fuckin blast :3
Ended up volunteering quite a bit... got a little piggy plushy out of it XD
Favorite part of the con: Volunteering and lady kisses
Second favorite part of the con: Getting a free pizza from the hotel
Least favorite part of the con: Having my art stolen from the posting board =(
Man I even was a doofus and forgot to take a picture of it!!! Should have... then I could at least post here.
It was a picture of Pinko holding a shotgun saying "In Mother Russia, you don't get tail... TAIL GETS YOU."
I don't think it was taken down because of the content... I think it was taken down because I posted it too close to some douchbag's advertisement. Anyhoo, glad I got to hug so many people and kiss so many people and eat so much pizza :333
OH YEAH PIZZA... so the maids stole our pizza and I called the hotel to complain and they were like "OMG lets buy you a large pizza!" and I was like "Shityeah"
So we got a free pizza on Saturday :3
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13 years ago
28 Feb 2012 16:39 CET