With their hair a little whiter, their step not quite so sure Still they march on proudly as they did the year before. Theirs were the hands that saved us, their courage showed the way Their lives they laid down for us, that we may live today.
From Gallipoli's rugged hillsides, to the sands of Alamein On rolling seas and in the skies, those memories will remain. Of airmen and sailors, of lone pine and Suvla Bay The boys of the Dardenelles are remembered on this day.
They fought their way through jungles, their blood soaked desert sands They still remember comrades who rest in foreign lands. They remember the siege of old Tobruk, the mud of the Kokoda trail Some paying the supreme sacrifice with courage that did not fail. To the icy land of Korea, the steamy jungles of Vietnam And the heroic battle of Kapyong and that epic victory at Long Tan.
Fathers, sons and brothers, together they fought and died That we may live in peace together, while at home their mothers cried. When that final bugle calls them to cross that great devide Those comrades will be waiting when they reach the other side.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.