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The "My Turn" meme...

I did this back in the day on FA, long before I moved here to IB, so I guess it's time once again, since it's floating about.... :)


Comment here and I will...
1. Tell you something I'll learn about you by looking at your FA/IB page for 13 seconds.
2. Tell you which color you remind me of.
3. Tell you my first memory of you.
4. Tell you what Pokemon you remind me of
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you, and your answer has to be as vague as possible to keep the suspense.
6. Tell you my favorite thing about you.
7. Give you a weird nickname
8. Tell you what's on my shirt right now.
9. Challenge you to post this on your journal


("Même" is an actual word in French, which has a similar root connotation to the term "meme" in English- similar, though not exact- and so I prefer using the French pronunciation of "mehm", rather than the more common "meem".)

(ps: Yes, I'm behind- quite a bit. I should get back to responses soonish... I'm recovering from a weeklong trip down to San Francisco-- Yet another of my mother's State Retiree meetings and training sessions. :P All after a falling-through if plans to go to Paris for my birthday later this year. Do to finances, that'll be delayed 3 years (probably) for my 50th.)

*idly listening to lounge music on Soma FM*
Viewed: 36 times
Added: 12 years, 3 months ago
12 years, 3 months ago
12 years, 3 months ago
1: You're comfortable with Cub; either bi with a gay bias or gay with some bi tendencies; you have some interest in trans/gender-bending; you have many lovers; you're busy/active.

2: Blue or yellow- Can't decide.

3: I'm not sure- A comment, shout or something that you left...

4: Not much into Pokemon, but with what little I know, Pikachu, because you seem to have an electric personality...

5: Why do you +watch me?

6: You're open and understanding. (BTW, did my last PM get lost or set aside? I don't think we finished our conversation, over a month ago...)

7: Rainbow pants. :)

8: A few crumbs of salami & cheese pizza. :)

9: You already posted this meme, but you still need to respond to my comment, as if this writing. :)

12 years, 3 months ago
1) Sounds about right. X3
2) Bluuuuueeeee~ ^____^
3) Yeah, I always have a hard time remembering when things first got started with people. x.x;
4) D'aww. =3
5) Because I like your position on subjects and I believe I was told a while ago that your stories are quite good. Now I just need to make time to actually read them. >_<;; [is the slowest reader in the world]
6) I think I lost it. >_<; I'm sorry. I'll snoop for it and see if I can reply. =3
7) Gaaay~ XD
8) You have a whole cheese pizza on your shirt?! o_o;
9) Sorry, I'm working on it. X3
12 years, 3 months ago
1: :)
2: I knew I was close. :)
3: It varies, with me- Some have a very specific way of getting my attention, while others sneak in from behind, somehow... o.o
4: :)
5: Thanks- I don't expect everyone to see how I see things; and read my stories! Not like most of them are all that long. ;)
6: I'll poke a reply in the thread- If you don't see any prior PMs in the thread, I can resend them-- I keep all my PMs, just in case. :)
7: ;)
8: *laughs* No, just crumbs from that pizza. :)
9: ;)

12 years, 3 months ago
Hello. ;)
12 years, 3 months ago
1: You're a musicmaker/DJ with an interest in sexual themes, especially of males.
2: Red, because of your bandana.
3: I encountered your mashup of Dylan's "Knocking On Heaven's Door" with the Commodores' "Three Times a Lady" on FA, and thought it was as good as the mashups from Go Home Productions. You're still the closest thing to a furry version of GHP.
4: I don't know ebough about Pokemon to give a good answer, since the few I can think of don't fit you. *shrug*
5: Hmmm... What's your inspiration?
6: We share a similar taste in oldies and radio. :)
7: "Mr. Mike"
8: Crumbs from a grilled cheese & salami sandwich. :)
9: I didn't see you do this meme yet, so...... ;)

12 years, 3 months ago
I don't do memes that often, but thank you for your reply. ^^
12 years, 3 months ago
I was kinda hoping to see how you see me from this meme. :)

12 years, 3 months ago
Invasion! >:3
12 years, 3 months ago
1: You draw cute critters. You're tolerant/accepting of the whole cub thing, but not willing to go much beyond clean, for your own reasons. You're female.
2: Green, since many of your drawings are green, or blue, or pink....
3: All those submissions with the BIG EYES showing up on IB's latest submissions.
4: Buneary. Inherent cuteness.
5: What brings you to IB?
6: Tolerance. :)
7: Smiles, since so many of your drawings have smiles. :)
8: Crumbs from a grilled cheese and salami sandwich, which I overcooked. :) (I wear bland sweatshirts! :P )
9: You've already done this. :)

12 years, 3 months ago
1. X3
2. Green is the colour of "luck", so it's fitting that it's Lucky's signature colour, no? :3
3. X3; Sorry, sometimes I post a lot at once.
4. n///n! Yay! Thanks so much! <3
5. I followed
:D And I wanted to feel like I have some form of purpose, and help earn a little bit of money for the family, so I tried starting commissions.
6. I will Love and Tolerate the stuffing out of everyone X3
7. :D! That's so cute! n__n
8. Sweatshirts are cute though! :D
12 years, 3 months ago
1: :)
2: ;)
3: Don't feel bad- It happens. Some can be here every day, so it seems like they spread out their presence, while others have to post when they have the time, which often means lots of posts all at once. :)
4: One of the few Pokemon characters I do know. Was trying to think whether Vulpix or Buneary would fit, since both are inherently cute.
5: It's because of your connection to Cuberblade that is the reason why I said what I did with #1.
6: :D No matter how "naughty" the rest of us can be? ;)
7: :)
8: I may live in California, but I'm up in the cold part of the state! :P It's about 10 C here... :P ...Indoors. :P

12 years, 3 months ago
3. In my case it's more to do with motivation XD Sometimes I can get a lot done in one day, othertimes I find myself unable to do artwork for weeks.
4. n///n
5. :3 Yeah, he's got me to be much more open and tolerant to those things, even if it's still not my thing. I was a super-prude a few years ago :o But since then I've realised that it's just natural and not just perversion for the sake of perversion.
6. I'll be honest and say that sometimes I feel a little lonely in not caring for the naughtier side of things because of the amount of focus it seems to get in this fandom. But it's harmless, and hey, people like it, so who am I to wag my finger at it? XD
8. Yikes! You need a hot chocolate, stat!
12 years, 2 months ago
3: That happens to ALL of us, hun-- If I didn't have periods of poor motivation, I'd have at least a story a day posted-- For every story I write, I have at least 100 ideas that don't make it. :P
4: I could've gone to an earlier version of that Pokemon-- Evee. :)
5: A mutual acquaintance of ours introduced me to a book called "Harmful To Minors", which covers that very aspect. At least you're becoming more tolerant of at least some of us. :)
6: Don't be! :) It's perfectly all right to prefer non-naughty stuff. :)
8: :) Since then- even with this week's final blast of Winter- it hasn't been down to freezing, so I'm not as cold. :) (It rarely ever gets close to "L.A." warm here- California's almost as big as Britain, and the climate's just as diverse as its size. :) )


12 years, 2 months ago
3. They should make a machine that can plug into your brain and print your ideas down on paper. That'd be awesome... XD
4. I love Eevee! X3
5. Really? Who? o:
6. :D
8. I'm glad it's warmed up a bit. :3
12 years, 3 months ago
" Of all the woodland creatures,
       The quaintest little sprite
Is the dainty flying squirrel
       In vest of shining white,
In coat of silver gray,
       And vest of shining white.
12 years, 3 months ago
1: You're creative, but reserved.
2: Purple. Not sure why. :)
3: Not entirely sure, but it all started on the Gene Catlow forums...
4: What few Pokemon characters I know of don't quite fit you... :P
5: Of all your characters, who is your favourite?
6: You put up with me. :) That, and the squirrels & leptis... :)
7: The Bard of Winterfur. :)
8: Crumbs from an overcooked grilled cheese and salami sandwich. :)
9: I'd be surprised if you did. ;) You know I'd respond, though, if you did post this meme. :)

12 years, 3 months ago
1: Hopefully, I don't come across as aloof. :o I don't see myself as being above others but as having little of interest to say.
2: It's a pretty color, although I like blues better.  But this is about what you get off of me, not what I get off of me.  (Good thing it's bath night. :o )
3: You were role playing as Amy Stereo and seemed kind of lonely.  You laughed at some of my jokes, then I stuck an ice cube down the back of Amy's shirt.  Things went haywire from there. :p
4: Nothing wrong with that.  I think you could have gotten away with modifying the question to either "what animal" or "what fictional animal" you saw us as.
5: Derp. o.0 I dunno.  That's almost like saying which of my children is my favorite.  No matter which one you choose, the others will resent it. 0.o
6: You aren't hard to "put up with". :) To you, the goddess of love is a squirrel.  ;p
7: I can live with that.
8: Hmm, I don't think you really want my opinion on that one.
9: Once Bissextus is over, we'll see.
12 years, 3 months ago
1: Sometimes you do, but only sometimes.
2: ;)
3: ...And then there were leptis. ;)
4: If I did, it'd probably be a )male) Caitian. ;)
5: Hee... :) I'm sure one stands out as being the most interesting/fun to do... :) From my viewpoint, I'd say Baksrit, probably because she seems the most developed, character-wise.
6: :) Helia likes to tell me her full name is "Helia Aphrodite Ellenikos", but I think it's just "Helia"- She's just a bit...nutty... ;)
7: :)
8: I don't usually overcook my meals. :)
9: :)

12 years, 3 months ago
1: Well, at least I'm interesting some of the time, anyway. :p
3: That's when things really went haywire. :o
4: Star Meows. :p
5: I suppose you could say it varies according to whatever I'm working on.  Certainly Baksrit ranks high up there as I've spent more time developing her than most others.  Her big appeal is that brains and learning are more important with her than brute force or other physical stuff.
6: "Sunny love goddess..." I'm not sure what "Ellenikos" is Greek for (if anything).  "Nut", maybe? :\  She appears to be what she eats, though.
8: It's not the overcooking.  It's that I'm a vegetarian by birth, as meat literally makes me sick to my stomach.
12 years, 3 months ago
1: Most of the time. :)
3: :D Leptis leaping all over the place... :o
4: ;)
5: There are many ways of solving problems without the need for brute force... :)
6: "Ellinikos" = "Greek", or rather, something of/from Hellas (Greece). :) And yes, she is nutty... ;) She is a squirrel, of course. ;)
8: Understandable-- I can only tolerate/enjoy some meat, so I'm an omnivore, though I'm incredibly fond of grain and dairy products... :)

12 years, 3 months ago
3: "Ten leptis leaping... Nine squirrels dancing... Eight mice a'milking... Seven skunks a'swinging... Six jokes ran into the ground..."
5: True enough.  Deidrei's similar but she's also more apt to go the physical route.
6: Sunny Greek love goddess.  A necessary distinction actually, so she's not mistaken for Ishtar, Astarte, Freya, or one of many other love goddesses.
12 years, 3 months ago
3: *laughs loudly* :D
5: Between her cultural environment and her drinking history, I'm not surprised... :o
6: She does love to identify herself as a "daughter of Aphrodite", so her name could also be read as "Helia, daughter of Aphrodite, daughter of Greece". Whether she came from Greece, or whatever pocket universe the Greek Gods made for themselves after leaving Greece, or she's eaten one too many redwood cones, who knows? :o

12 years, 3 months ago
3: She needs her stories worked on some more too, so people can see what she's like instead of taking my word for it.
6: She is what she eats, after all. :p
12 years, 3 months ago
3: You should. When you put your mind to it, you're great at telling your characters' stories... :) (And you need to finish Moon Rabbit... *nudgenudge*)
6: O.o Even with her nomming on my head....? :o

12 years, 3 months ago
3: I do have two partially written stories featuring Deidrei.  Seal Hunt is relatively old and needs a rewrite.  "Summer Special" has hit the same shoals as Moon Rabbit has.  Naturally, I can't guarantee I'll be getting to them soon.  On the other hand, I've reached the end of Moon Rabbit and only need to finish revising the last three parts.  Part 8 should be up shortly.
6: Well, you are the head nut.
12 years, 2 months ago
3: I anxiously look forward to the remaining installments of Moon Rabbit, as well as any other story- You're an underappreciated writer, and very good with telling your stories. :)
6: :P Cashew, pistachio or macadamia? :)

12 years, 2 months ago
3: Thanks.  I try. :)

6: Cashew?  Gust-hound-tights.  Pistachio?  No pistachio mustachio.  Macadema?  Too salty.  How about the usual: an off-the-walnut? :p
12 years, 3 months ago
Hello Dennis :3
12 years, 3 months ago
1: Space, the final frontier... :)
2: Purple... Gotta be that cupcake avatar... ;)
3: Wasn't that long ago, but I can't remember whether it was in response to something I posted (either a comment elsewhere or something in my gallery) or I commented on a comment of yours....
4: Not big on Pokemon, so I don't have enough knowledge to answer, and what few I know I'm not sure would fit you.
5: Why do you +watch me?
6: Gliese 581. :)
7: Cupcake. :) Guess why? ;)
8: I need to brush these grilled-cheese-&-salami-sandwich crumbs off.... :P
9: :)

12 years, 3 months ago
5. Why do I watch you? Because you're a great writer AND... Spaaaaaace :3

7. I dunno, why? :D
12 years, 3 months ago
5: Thank you. :)

7: *grin* ;)

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