Star Fox Adventures Reimagined
So after doing a bit of thinking, I’ve kinda come up with an idea to make Adventures better and put a Starfox game on the Switch, all at the same time.
Star Fox Adventures-Reimagined
Same game as before, but with a few major differences---
-Gets injured after loosing her staff, but before getting captured.
-Gets rescued by Fox after he gets one Krazoa spirit, thus setting her free for the remainder of the game and making her useful later.
-Can communicate with Fox through staff during the game (not well when captured, but after rescue she can talk much better)
-After rescue, is taken to Great Fox for recovery, comes back after 4th Krazoa spirit is returned to temple.
-Can be used to help solve puzzles by switching from her to Fox and vice versa, making them easier to complete.
-Helps in fight against General Scales and Andross at the end.
-Can use staff better than Fox (more agile, more devastating combos, staff can give her a "radar" of sorts, allowing her to see through walls and all around)
-Rescues Krystal after he gets the second Krazoa spirit (Krystal got the first, he has second total)
-After rescuing Krystal, can tap her for info regarding things in world (glyphs, buildings, NPC's, items, ect)
---General Gameplay and World---
-6 total biomes: Tundra, Plains, Jungle/Tropical, Desert, Mountain, Ruins/ Temple
-Biomes are larger, more involved, more space and characters in various areas
-Puzzles for Krazoa spirit chambers require power stones to activate, and Krazoa spirit tests need stones to start (3 for each, but no more than 5, and can be found all over world by defeating bosses, doing quests, and the like)
-Completing quests/defeating enemies and bosses grants scarabs, items, and stones for tests and puzzles.
-Flying between areas starts with launch sequence of Arwing, but you can actually fly to the areas, as opposed to what happened in SF:A where you only flew for a while. You can actually use this to go to different areas on your own. The only times you don't control the Arwing are when you launch and when you land. You do need to get to the landing areas on your own, but a landing animation plays for you. In addition, there are more enemies, obstacles, and supply drops, as well as the option to return to the Great Fox for things like fuel and repairs (Arwing can sustain damage in flight)
-Krystal's ship can be used during final fight with Andross. It will mostly give supplies, but has a couple lasers for shooting. Krystal will shoot where you point out (possible use of Switch touchscreen, maybe?)
-As a throwback to the Star Fox comics, Andross has cloned himself twice, so this may up the difficulty by making Fox and Krystal have to fight on seperate fronts.
-Possible stealth missions, maybe in different areas or even in side missions.
So, what do you think? Let me know, should we send this to Nintendo, or am I just a stupid fan of sorts?
Let me know if you like this, hate it, should add/lose something, or what.