wake up this morning tp find out my pc has passed away r.i.p good old faithful pc of 4 years +, having to try use fussy 2 yo squiny of a lap top till new pc come tomorrow, meaning sadly I've lost all my home made puppets, art and face rig files that i shall have to remake from scratch, once new pc is trained in the ways of how to work with me, aka reinstalling all my games, art programs and face rig type files.
it also means i have lost all my files and notes for my silver play through story line so going to have to make up the battles and evolution stories from after my last pic aka a few hikers, picnickers and fire breathers as well as my two battles with leader bugzy and catching my ditto.
but hopefully should be back up to speed by end of next week.
big thanks to my partner who let me off paying him back for now for my confuzzled tickets, so i could use the money i had put by for paying him back, to order a new pc.
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7 years ago
15 Mar 2018 18:48 CET