TL;DR - Better paying job, laptops getting fixed, new gear being acquired, new content coming soon.
Hardly anyone will see this, I already know. This is more like a personal journal...that I let strangers read...
Anyway, as the title says, I got a new job, better passing too. And with that money, I'll be able to catch up on bills, maybe even get ahead.
I'll also be getting my laptops fixed, and getting some new equipment. New games, new gear, new side job? Streaming is fun, so why not share with everyone, right?
And I'll be posting new content too, and not just adoptions, original content. Well, semi-original, as my first official "I created this" post was planned to be an animation of a comic series by
In addition to that, I plan to make wholly original posts too, as well as actually doing more with this account than just looking at awesome art from awesome people, lol.