I'm trying to get used to painting again. For that purpose, I'll paint at least one 10 minute request a day. (like those http://zyonji.tumblr.com/tagged/10-minutes ) The more requests the better. I'll randomly choose which one to do next, giving those who already got one a lower probability, so nobody needs to feel bad about making a lot of requests! :D
As a bonus, if you make a request that fits the theme of "making a sacrifice" then I'll paint for 15 minutes instead of 10. You know, a sacrifice as in reducing your options to get closer to a long term goal. (: And finally to practice doing commissions, if you pay me 5€ then you'll get 15 minutes too and move to the front of the queue! :D
Wish me luck, I'm back on the road of becoming a great artist once again! <3
I'm very happy with that too! Didn't expect to get so much done in 15 minutes either. This is exiting, if I get a little better, then it might actually be something I could make use of! :D
I'm very happy with that too! Didn't expect to get so much done in 15 minutes either. This is exitin