I asked this on FA, but I figured it'd be fine to ask here as well. :)
When I first started being more serious about traditional art after having gone entirely digital for a while (way back in 2004 or 2005, this was) everybody told me that Sakura micron pens were the best! They were harder to find back then, because I was living in the backwoods swamps of South Mississippi at the time, and art stores just weren't available (pretty much what you got at Walmart was what you got!). I did manage to pick a couple up somewhere, and I guess they worked okay, but I've never really been happy with the quality of their inking. Seems like they were better when I first started using them back then, but I can say the same thing about Prisma markers, too. Hell, I have evidence to back up my perception, because I still have most of the Prisma markers I got in my very first set of 12 in 2005. They STILL work very well and provide plenty of ink, whereas I could go down to Blick and pick up the same color and use it on one picture and it's practically already dry when I finish the work! Is that really a common problem for others? Has Prisma really lost that much quality in these past 6-7 years? I mean, I know with the economy and everything being like it is that stuff has gotten cheaper and lasts for less time than it used to, but I'm just... unconvinced, I guess.
Anyway, I had been working on a traditionally created drawing and using the Sakura pens for inking. I was switching off from an 05 to an 02 when POP! It exploded! I hadn't really been getting good ink from it in the first place, but what sprayed out of it in the explosion seemed like more than enough to give me better coverage than it had been giving! The ink splatters got mostly on the sofa cushion and the wall (they came out pretty well, though, with quick washing), but a few spots did land on the picture. I was pretty upset, since I had worked on it about 6-7 hours by that point! I seem to remember somebody telling me that they had an issue with a Sakura exploding on them while they were working, too. Needless to say, I'm not happy with Sakura right now...
Aside from the freak ink explosion that happened, I think I already mentioned I don't like their coverage. I sketch first, then I lay down the ink on the sketch lines. I let it sit for a good while to allow it all to soak in and dry, then I erase the pencil sketching. Seems like an awful lot of the ink comes up with erasing, leaving weak, faded looking linework. Often, I find I have to go over everything all over again to get the lines looking dark and strong. I don't wanna have to ink twice! Again, anybody have problems with that?
Anyway, does anybody have an suggestions for a high quality inking pen? I've used Millennium ZIG pens before, and I think they're okay. I may switch entirely back to those, depending on any suggestions I hear. Lemme know what you work with, and how happy are you with your pens?
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13 years, 1 month ago
13 Feb 2012 21:18 CET