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Sonic Boom Review for 11/11/2017

So, I'm sorry this took so long to put up over here. But, trust me, it'll be worth the wait. :)

OH! MY! GOD!!! What A Way To End Season 2! I Mean, Not Only Did We Get A 2-Parter, But Holy Crap! The Intensity! The Epicness! The Many, MANY, Character Callbacks! And to think, all this from such a ridiculous Eggman plan...

All right, let's do this! Here is my mega review of the 2-Part Season 2 Finale, which both episodes aired on November 11th, 2017.

"Eggman: The Video Game"

The episode starts with Sonic driving his car through the canyon at high speeds, saying there's nothing like a relaxing Sunday drive. XD
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Only Sonic would consider a high speed drive with an occasional flip relaxing. :D We soon see Tails driving his vehicle...
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...with Knuckles in tow riding on his hoverboard...
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or a regular surfboard from the looks of it... Eventually Sonic meets up with Tails and challenges him to a race.
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Tails accepts and races Sonic through the canyon... all while Knuckles hangs on and gets smacked into the rocks and dragged across the road!
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XD Suddenly, Amy contacts Sonic via wrist communicator, informing him of a crisis on her hands: She's trying to make a Baked Alaska, but she ran out of eggs. Sonic tells her he's on it as he tells Tails he's got to go and he switches to Sonic Pedal Mode and blasts off!
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At Hedgehog Village, we see Eggman carrying some groceries and whistling. Just then, Sonic passes by and splashes mud all over him!
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XD Sonic quickly stopped his car and got out, apologizing and saying that it was an accident. He then said if it made him feel better, he could splash mud on him. Eggman jumped in the mud puddle... only to barely get mud on his sneakers. Of course, with Eggman being Eggman, he gets in his Egg Mobile and orders his robots to attack Sonic.
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Sonic easily deals with several Slicers...
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...and lead several Motobugs to chase him in a figure 8 until he eventually caused them to crash into each other, Hot Wheels style. Sonic then knocks the last Slicer into Eggman, causing him to crash down.
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This causes the villagers to boo Eggman and throw apples at him.
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The next day, Eggman wanders through the village, saying that he'll have to change his image in order to win over the hearts and minds of the people, but has no idea how to do that. Suddenly, he hears a commotion and sees it coming from a video game store where we see Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Staci, and other villagers excited to get the new Tommy Thunder video game.
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"Shut Up And Take My Money!" (Ha! Futurama reference.) Mark tells everyone that they have plenty of copies available...
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(Hang on... Sonic fan... wearing glasses... wearing a Sonic shirt... works at a video game store... Nah, it's probably just coincidental... I mean, how would they know what I do for a living... I mean, it's not like one of the writers... follows me on Twitter!
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In any case...) ...only for Tommy Thunder to say otherwise, saying that there are limited supplies and for the crowd to push and shove to get them, causing the crowd to mob rush poor Mark.
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(Been there before...) Eggman was amazed at how everyone was clamoring to get Tommy's new game. Tommy explained to Eggman that since he released this new game, his image has gotten even hotter. This gives Eggman the idea to create a video game starring himself. Eggman: "Imagine that: Eggman in a video game." (The meta humor here is hilarious. :D ) The next day, we see Eggman standing by an arcade machine playing his newly made game...
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...which looks something like old school Pitfall.
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XD Meanwhile we see Tails and Knuckles about to buy a controller...
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(Poor Mark...) when Eggman tried to get them interested in what he calls "the newest, coolest video game ever." Tails: "Super Plumber Brothers?" XD Knuckles: "Mortal Bloodsport 7?" XD Mark: "Comedy Chimp's Combat Golf?" XD (2 Mario references, a Mortal Kombat reference, and a reference to, and maybe it's just me here, the Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Zombie Ninja Pro-Am golf game. :D I know it's a bit of a stretch, but it's the only "Combat Golf" game I could think of. XD ) Eggman tries to explain the concept of his game, Stache Smash, a side-scrolling, strategy, platformer full of twists, turns, and egg puns. He was just about to say that in order to beat it that you would need 7 special somethings (Heh, heh... :D ), but Tails and Knuckles immediately passed on it, saying that it's too old fashioned. Knuckles says it needs cool graphics, boss battles, and gratuitous violence. Tails added that all the best games use motion capture technology. (Wait... was that a stab at Sonic: Free Riders?) As Tails and Knuckles walked away, Eggman threw his game in frustration... only for it to bounce off a promo sign and into a hanging promo sign, causing it to fall and hit Mark in the head! :D (Poor Mark... :D ) The next day, Eggman had his flybots all over the village...
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...in the hopes of recording the movements of Sonic and friends with his "Yolk Capture" technology for his new game, Super Stache Smash. As the gang approached Meh Burger, Eggman summoned his Motobugs, Crabmeats, Kabutrons, and Skorps to attack them. https://youtu.be/YvBdCmM17-M As expected, the gang made quick work of those tin cans.
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Eggman was pleased with this, saying this will be the sickest boss battles in the game. He then comments that it's time the star of the game shows of his moves. Then... well... https://youtu.be/hGQIBJR3HOA Since Eggman has the grace of a pregnant moose and the reflexes of a sick cow (or is it the grace of a pregnant cow and the reflexes of a sick moose? :D ), this was not impressing anyone...
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Sticks: "Do we even retaliate or has he humiliated himself enough already?" Sonic: "I guess I could spin attack him over the horizon, but I kinda feel bad about it... ... Eh, whatever."
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XD Back at Eggman's lair, he watched the footage he captured, saying he's got great footage of Team Sonic, but somehow his sweet moves don't look as cool as he hoped. Cubot: "Maybe it's 'cause you're getting your butt kicked." Eggman: "No, no, that's not it." :D Orbot then suggested motion capturing a foe that could actually defeat Sonic, then digitally replace his image with Eggman's. Eggman liked that idea and claimed it as his own. XD The only question remained was who does he know that could actually defeat Sonic the Hedgehog? The next day, in the canyon, Eggman met up with a speedy creature dashing through. And that someone...
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...was Shadow the Hedgehog! Eggman was about to give him a proposition, but Shadow simply told him to find someone else to be his pawn as he never wants to work with him ever again. Eggman was disappointed, but not ready to give up yet. Later, at Sonic's Shack, Eggman, with Orbot and Cubot carrying camera equipment, waits outside for Sonic as he tells them the only way they'll be able to use Shadow in his plan is if he thinks Sonic has been trash talking him. Sonic walks out and Eggman immediately asked him what he thinks about Shadow the Hedgehog?
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Sonic simply said that's such a random question and why he's asking about him, since he hasn't seen him in weeks. Eggman immediately asks if Sonic thinks if he could beat up Shadow and Sonic said he never thought about it, mostly because the last time they fought was pretty much like a whirlwind, adding that he's a tough customer. Eggman tried to ask what Sonic thought of Shadow's shoes only for Sonic to ask was he getting these questions from a bag (or Twitter. XD If you guys saw the 3rd Twitter takeover on the Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter feed, you'd know what I mean. :D ) and just leaves. So, that plan didn't work out well, either. Later, at a mysterious cave, we see Shadow just... brooding? I guess?
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Just then, Eggman approached Shadow, telling him he ran into Sonic who did not have any kind words to say to him. Then he shows Shadow footage that was clearly doctored to show Sonic saying a different thing altogether. You know, like those cheesy chopped up videos on YouTube.
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I don't know what's more sad: The lousy editing job Eggman did or the fact that Shadow was actually fooled by this and declared vengeance on Sonic and his friends. I mean, Knuckles I could see falling for this, but Shadow?! And I thought Shadow's missions in LEGO Dimensions was a low point for him... The next day, at the village, we see Knuckles and Tails walking down the street, as Knux was in the middle of telling a funny joke when...
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...he gets knocked through a wall! Shadow: "Correction: Pummeled..."
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Tails tried to fly out of the way, but Shadow used his teleporting ability to reach up to him, grab one of his tails, and fling him to the well. Meanwhile, Eggman arrived with his flybots to capture the footage from the fight.
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Knuckles tries to punch Shadow, but Shadow kept teleporting and striking him with ease. Tails flew out of the well and was about to stun Shadow with a taser, only for Shadow to teleport out of the way just as Knuckles was about to punch him again, causing him to hit Tails accidently, sending him flying towards a fence. Knuckles was too much in shock over what had happened, Shadow took advantage of this and struck Knuckles. As Shadow gloated on how easy this was, Sticks and Amy confront him.
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Sticks tries to hit Shadow with her staff, but Shadow grabs it and tosses it and Sticks aside. As Sticks quickly got back to her feet, Amy struck her hammer down to create a shockwave, but Shadow jumped out of the way and nearly kicks Amy back. Amy and Sticks charge at Shadow from opposite sides about to use their weapons on him, but he quickly teleports out of there. The girls stop and look around, trying to see where Shadow will strike next. Suddenly, Shadow appears behind them, grabs their legs and jumps up. (Honestly, when I first saw this, I thought he grabbed them by their skirts/dresses, or worse, their underwear. I mean, nasty wedgie on top of that? That's a dick move, even for Shadow.) Once he was high enough, he tossed them aside and let them drop. Things were not looking good as Amy called for Sonic's help.
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As soon as Sonic arrives, he bare witness to what Shadow has done.
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Suddenly, Shadow knocks Sonic through 3 palm trees...
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...and was about to finish Sonic off... (Here is where we end Part 1. I like that they brought the Knuckles 4th wall breaking bit about a To Be Continued thing from the "Robots From The Sky" saga, but for it to be the exact copy, word for word, instead of something new. Eh, whatever.)
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...as Shadow asked if Sonic had any last words, Sonic replied with... "Volcano Wonderpants." As Shadow was confused by this, Sonic took this opportunity to fight back!
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The fight between the two continued, neither one of them showing to have the upper hand over the other, all while Eggman gloated on how he'll look super awesome when he puts his character in place of Shadow. Both hedgehogs continued to dodge and block each others' attacks as they collided into each other with spin attacks, knocking them both for a loop, but the flybots focused mostly on Sonic. Eggman believes he has enough footage necessary as he orders his flybots back and returns to his lair to program this into his game. The two hedgehogs continued their scrimmage into Meh Burger as Shadow said Sonic will pay for the things he said about him. Sonic then said he didn't say anything bad when Eggman was asking him those questions about Shadow. Shadow then realized that Eggman manipulated that footage to manipulate him. (Wow, he caught on quick...) Shadow, now focuses his anger towards Eggman, wanting to make him pay for making a fool out of him, as he runs off. Back at Eggman's lair, Eggman was in the middle of setting up his game, when...
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...Shadow starts banging on Eggman's door! Orbot commented that while his special teleportation guard is working wonderfully, his walls won't last long against his spin attacks for much longer. As Shadow demanded Eggman come out and face him, Eggman realized he needed to get some distance from him and ordered Orbot and Cubot to distract him while he made his getaway. As soon as Eggman entered him pneumatic tube to the roof...
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Shadow busted through the wall, and...
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Yeah, that happened. :D Soon, we see Eggman finding shelter in his Mombot's house, asking Steve/Morpho to transform into him. When asked why, Eggman said that Shadow is gonna tear him limb from limb, rip out his spine, and play it like a xylophone. (Damn! That's graphic, even for this show.) Steve/Morpho eased Eggman's worries and told his "Bro-botnik" (Ha! :D ) that he could use his Interdimensional Portal Devices so he can hide in another dimension.
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Eggman realized that he could con the Eggman of the dimension he enters to take his place and face the wrath of Shadow.
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Eggman then tells Steve/Morpho that unless he wants to face Shadow, he suggests turning into something less Eggman-y. As soon as Eggman enters the portal, Steve/Morpho turns into a tiny ceramic unicorn, which Mombot puts on the shelf. Soon, we see Eggman enter the different dimension. The same different dimension Sonic wound up in the "Where Have All The Sonics Gone" episode, as the Eggman of that dimension tried to plot a way to get to Sonic's dimension for revenge.
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The normal Eggman told him there was no need. When asked how he got here, the normal Eggman explained that he came here from an alternate dimension where a shape-shifting robot version of his brother from a third dimension gave him this portal gun. "Simple as that, huh?" :D Suddenly, the normal Eggman started to get all static-y. He told the other Eggman he better hurry as having the two of them in the same dimension for too long could cause a catastrophic anomaly the likes of which mankind has never seen. The other Eggman agreed as he took the portal device and left.
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Back in Sonic's dimension, in Tails' Workshop, the gang tries to recover after their confrontation with Shadow.
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Suddenly, the dimensional portal opens and the different dimensional Eggman appears,
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proclaiming he can finally take him on one-on-one.
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Sonic was confused by this until he realized this is the different dimensional Eggman he encountered a while back.
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Now wielding what is clearly a lightsaber (Seriously, what else is Eggman going to steal from Star Wars?! XD ), he shows he's more experienced in battle experience as he holds his own against Sonic. He might have almost defeated him, too, but...
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...Shadow attacked the different dimensional Eggman, saying how he's going to get revenge on him and how he's not going to be tricked by him again. The different dimensional Eggman then realized that he's looking for their Eggman, so he activates the portal gun so Shadow can chase down his Eggman.
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Sonic tells the gang that he's following Shadow into the other dimension and for them to keep an eye on this Eggman.
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As soon as Sonic and Shadow arrive in the different dimension, they wonder where Eggman could be hiding. Suddenly...
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they get attacked by a laser blast...
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...by Metal Sonic! Apparently, Eggman upgraded Metal with all of the motion capture data. The fact that Metal Sonic has the fight data of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Sticks, and Shadow combined proved to be a difficult task for Sonic and Shadow to handle, even if Shadow was willing to team up with Sonic.
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Seeing that they're still trying to put up a fight frustrated Eggman...
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...to the point that he pulls out a rocket launcher and fires it at them! The trio avoid the blast as Eggman lost his balance and caused his portal device to fall off his Egg Mobile and activate.
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Seeing this opportunity, Sonic and Shadow tackle Metal Sonic...
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...through the portal back home.
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Eggman follows them as the portal closed behind him. Back in their home dimension, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks has the different dimensional Eggman tied up and gagged.
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...a portal opened and Sonic, Shadow, Metal Sonic, and Eggman spill out of it, taking their battle all over the island before reaching the village square.
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Shadow charges towards Metal Sonic...
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...only for him to get blasted right into Eggman as they both crash into a building and the debris nearly hits Tails, but Amy pushes him out of the way just in time. Amy then said injuries or not, they need to step up their game. The gang soon joins Sonic to fight Metal. Amy confronts Metal...
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only to get herself out-hammered by Metal. Tails, Knuckles, and Sticks tries to attack Metal next, only for Metal to quickly spin attack them. Suddenly...
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Sonic traps one of Metal's arms with his enerbeam.
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Tails then traps Metal's other arm with his enerbeam. Metal tried to fly up, but...
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Knuckles kept him grounded by trapping his leg with his enerbeam.
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As Amy tried to get back up...
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Metal was charging its chest laser to fire at her. Thankfully, Sticks grabbed her bo staff and...
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...strikes at Metal weak point, causing it to break down. The gang celebrates their victory...
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...only for Shadow to cut it short...
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...saying that this is the beginning of the end. He adds that he's no longer satisfied simply taking vengeance on Eggman, now wanting revenge on this whole universe, saying he has both this world's Eggman and the different dimensional Eggman to a secret location. Tails says that doing that will cause a catastrophic anomaly that could destroy the entire universe.
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As storm clouds began to form, Shadow bided everyone farewell forever and teleported away. As a storm began, Tails said that if he can piece Metal Sonic back together, he could use his built-in homing beacon to lead them straight to where Shadow is keeping Eggman. While Tails does that, the rest of the team search all over the island.
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Sonic on Blue Force One searched around the volcano.
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Sticks searched the skies in Tails' plane.
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Knuckles and Amy searched the seas.
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Soon, Tails manages to repair Metal and...
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...it flies off immediately. Tails contacts Sonic and tells him that Metal is honed in on Eggman, but he can't keep up.
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Sonic, with the portal device in hand, sees Metal fly by and follows him on foot. Sonic soon finds both Eggmen tied up in Shadow's cave.
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He quickly unties them, activates the portal...
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and kicks the different dimensional Eggman back to his own world. And just like that, a universal catastrophe was avoided. (Oh, man! That Was Intense!)
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As Sonic got Eggman out of the cave to meet up with Orbot and Cubot, Shadow appeared and said that he may have not liked the results, but he was impressed at how Sonic saved the universe.
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He then told Sonic that he'll be back and disappears. Eggman then said that he may have almost caused the end of the world, but it was all worth it to get the motion capture footage he needs for his video game... But, then, Orbot informed Eggman that during the catastrophic anomaly, his lair was struck by lightning, there by destroying every last bit of his motion capture data. Eggman: "Well, there's always next season." XD (See, this is why I keep all my important stuff on flash drives for backup from now on. :D )

Oh, Man! That Was Awesome! Everything about this was incredible. Bonus points for Shadow voice actor Kirk Thorton, because, and I also mention this in regards to Sonic Forces, it seems he's gotten much better voicing him. I mean, compare this to the Season 1 finale episode "It Takes A Village To Defeat A Hedgehog", and you can tell the major difference and it sounds a lot more like the Shadow we're accustomed to. The game references made were pretty great, too. The battles kept getting more and more intense with every passing minute. Plus, a lot of character callbacks and cameos just made this even better.

And now, all of Season 2 is now on Hulu. That means it's time to binge watch and hope we do in fact get a Season 3. Here's to the longest running Sonic series in the franchise's history and hoping there will be more awesome episodes in the future... maybe one episode where we finally see Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy meeting Sticks for the first time. :D
Viewed: 10 times
Added: 7 years, 3 months ago
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