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Reflecting on the mistreatment and inconsideration of others. (vent?)

I have made several friends online over the past decade or so, I feel really fortunate to have met them and in some cases developed them into a close relationship. I'll forever be thankful for the positive influences in my life. But with the good there is the bad, which I'm going to reflect on a little bit...

I've been lied to, betrayed, and mistreated in various ways by people I called friends. How could I have been so wrong about those people? Why would I accept and try to cultivate a relationship with those who would eventually leave their mark on me? Perhaps I'm a bad judge of character, but I think it was also that I was too eager to make friends, I didn't give people enough time to show me what's under their 'mask'.

It's difficult to rationalize someone lying to you, especially if it's about something important to you. It's worse when they turn out to be a coward & block you when you kindly ask them why they did it. Makes you wonder how many other people you consider friends will eventually lie to you, or already have.

Worse than lying is manipulation, being told someone loves you and would forgive you a million times only to find out they were using you to get to your mate, didn't love you at all and cut ties once they knew they weren't going to get what they want. Experiencing such inconsideration leaves you wondering who else is leading you on, or just saying nice things to get something out of you.

Getting the cold shoulder, for seemingly no reason at all, is another difficult one. This is especially difficult when it's someone you truly thought you had a strong relationship with. Then there's the random furs that mistreat you for seemingly no reason, I guess the're just trolls, but how does someone tell another person to "stop existing"? The way some people treat others online is abhorrent.

There's more, unfortunately, but enough has been said already. I'll likely never fully recover from my experiences, I will likely always have lingering doubts due to the inconsideration of others. I spent the last year or so trying to work through these past events, had to take a break and reconsider what I wanted in life and what I should expect out of furry.

Looking back I regret spending so much time on those who have harmed me. It was a bunch of tough lessons to learn and didn't do much for my faith in humanity but enough time has passed to make the changes needed for a happier future focused on enjoying however many days I have left on this planet.

So while I'm keeping a comfortable distance from online interactions I'm also trying to be genuine throughout. Gone are the days of trying to make good impressions or seek out friendships; I'm just going to be myself. If someone likes who I am we'll see where things go, otherwise I'll focus on established relationships and not worry about it. I've been spread too thin before and I won't allow that to happen again.

So here's to happiness, good friends, loving family, and wonderful mates.
Viewed: 93 times
Added: 7 years, 3 months ago
7 years, 3 months ago

People are losing it.
Manners, ethics, rationality and empathy going the way of newspapers.
Eventually most self-serving assholes get what they deserve but it can take awhile and causes lots of collateral damage to everybody else.
7 years, 3 months ago
I hope you're right, but I haven't experienced that much in furry. Seems like the self-serving assholes get away with everything due to the lack of accountability and reputation online. Like when I exposed that serial liar cheating people out of their money in something he called 'project kitty'. About 1k views on that journal and nothing else really happened. In fact it seems like he only got more popular from that point on. Hardly anyone really cares, but people are here to escape reality so I guess I shouldn't have expected much.
7 years, 3 months ago
I love you =3
7 years, 3 months ago
>///< Love ya too!
7 years, 3 months ago
I know the feeling. Being lied to is hard, especially from the person you trusted the most for years.
Even worse them telling you they want to be friends while actively keeping secrets from you and refusing to talk to you about things.
The absolutely infuriating thing in this fandom is it seems mostly that who’s right and wrong doesn’t really matter anywhere near as much as who’s more popular, and who has greater skills lauded by the fandom. So even if you’re right, unless you draw the pretty pictures, in general, no one is going to care what you think.
7 years, 3 months ago
It is hard, but what can anyone really do about it? Friendship or not people can say as much or as little as they like without justification. I guess I just had an unlucky run of making friends with people who felt lying was a better option than being honest with me. Ultimately I have to accept it, but that doesn't mean I have to endure it.

As for 'the fandom', keep in mind that's how it is in general. Popular or wealthy people getting away with murder isn't specific to 'furry'. That's why I didn't leave, won't be any better elsewhere, every subculture is just a slice of society with all the good and bad that comes with it.

There are no leaders, no direction, furry is basically a hashtag movement; anyone can claim to represent regardless of their intentions. All anyone can do is protect themselves and give people time to show what's under their 'mask'. Unfortunately that doesn't always work either since everyone in furry is practically anonymous & can change their name/identity at any moment.

There's no accountability, no reputation, people can mistreat others confidently and without consideration as they know there will be no repercussions. Unfortunate, to say the least.
7 years, 3 months ago
True. :<
7 years, 3 months ago
I wish it wasn't. Just a reality of the situation. But there's plenty of nice people here. I've made several great friends through the years. Just gotta keep your guard up; not everyone is nice.
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