Well here I am. On this site. That i only just found out about today. Huh...
I do like it here though. And the fact that I can easily advertise my commissions and prints here is awesome. Sadly I only have paypal, haha. Looks like I'll have to sign to whatchamcalit later. For those of you wondering how I found this site, I saw it meantioned in my boyfriend's FA journal.
And now for the downside to this site: no humans. Yes I know this be a furry site, but even FA and other places allow humans. Thing is most of my projects involve both humans and furry/fantasy characters. So I can only upload 20% of my latest stuff. Ah well. I can sort of make do with this site for now until FA sorts out their registration (paws up if you are here because you couldn't make an FA account).
I don't see why the fave system here has 1 to 5 stars ratings. I just fave things. If I really find something mind blowing I'll give it full stars, but for now, everything else gets the default rating, lol. So don't be offended if I gave you one satr. The fact that I faved it means I like it, so there is really nothing to get upset over, haha.
...So, what now? XD
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14 years, 9 months ago
13 Jun 2010 16:26 CEST