Time for a new commission deal! My new February/valentines day deal!
The new deal is that for $15 you can get 2 characters, fully shaded with a simple back ground (usually $22). Meant for lovey dovey/ valentines day art, but will do what ever you want.
Also if your not in a relation ship or just want a sexy pic of your character for your lover will also be doing a 1 character deal, witch is $10, 1 character, fully shaded, with simple back ground (usually $17).
Will draw normal and sexy outfits, also nudes, but will not draw genitals, sorry :/ also if you want nude, please say, and if you want nipples on the girls, I will do them, just tell me if you want them, cause if you don’t say I’ll just draw lil fluffy bits lol
Also, all outlines will stay black.
This goes on all the month of February, not just valentines day, BUT if you HAVE to have it done before valentines day, please say, but only if you absolutely have to, and get your commission in early, don’t commission me 2 days before and think it will be done by then, sorry I’m not magic.
So yeah X3 in other news lol, idk why but I’m feeling great lately, it’s odd but I am ^w^ so yeah there’s that lol I think it’s cause I stopped worrying about morons and art thieves, just letting it go ^w^ plus I’m so in love ^////^
Ummm going to be seeing Daryl soon, ^w^ going to have the money for my ticket Monday or Tuesday ^^, sadly I hade to move my dates back by 2 weeks, cause today the fight price went up by $100 >.> So I had to move it by 2 weeks to get the same price that I had before, I just hope it doesn’t change in the next 3 to 4 days >.> But yeah, not all bad, I’ll be there all of April, and I hear it’s a lil nicer then, as nice as English weather can be XD But either way I’m going, might just have to pay more then I want too, and I’ll have to get a stop over, witch I’m also not looking forward to but I’ll deal ^w^
Collage is going good, test are a lil messed up >.> but I’m doing good still lol
But yeah, surprisingly, everything’s going good ^w^