So recently I've had gotten a couple of messages regarding my current story: "Blue Reasons"
Most of them were nice reviews and I thank those who took the time to compliment about it
But there namely three of them that... well how do I put this... let's just say they don't like Leo as a bottom.
Which I completely respect that, as everyone has their own liking of who tops and who bottoms. But I want to make something clear, I like Uke/bottom Leo because it's my personal interest. I don't mind that he's a top or the others. Heck I've read a couple of stories that make Mikey a dominant towards his brothers and Donatello top Raph a few times.
And we know that Raph is guff and masculine. And Leo is stoic and composed, especially when it comes to his duties as leader. Both of them are natural dominants I understand that. But like I said I like Uke Leo because it's a personal preface of mine.
So please, if you don't like the story, just don't read it, it's as simple as that. I do accept constructive criticism since that is helpful to my writing skills. What I don't accept is plain hate and trolling on my story without a valid, constructive reason.
Thank you all for reading
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7 years, 7 months ago
23 Aug 2017 18:01 CEST