So I went and saw Dunkirk today, and let me tell you, I really didn't get this picture.
The camera pans to a bog-standard black-haired nondescript white man in the British army during the Nazi German invasion of Dunkirk in 1940. The "story" (or lack thereof) occasionally switches perspectives between the nondescript soldier, an elderly man and his family setting out to sea alongside a makeshift civilian navy to evacuate the living and wounded British soldiers there, and an RAF pilot venturing into the skies to hamper the enemy's bombing campaign, with varying success, until he runs out of fuel and lands on the beach after the mass evacuation before he is captured by the Germans. (I won't mark any spoilers in this film, because there is very little to spoil.)
Does anyone remember how Christopher Nolan often changed the perspective of the story from Batman, his arch-foes and his allies in The Dark Knight trilogy? It's a lot like that in Dunkirk, only far more sloppy. The characters are boring, generic, their names hard to remember, their stories, made irrelevant by the confusing skips between perspectives, and thus, impossible to care for. It was like they solely existed in the film for the purpose of dying on the battlefield, out in the water or getting drowned, shot or blasted apart. The violence in the film is surprisingly tame, given how many shootings, bombings and drownings take place. There is very little or no fatalities on-screen, leaving the average man (not excluding woman) to deduce that there were only ten casualties per scene.
Watching Dunkirk is a bit like getting your blood drawn at the hospital. It's dirty and unpleasant, but in the end, is not really something you could brag about. The characters are unmemorable, the action is a redeeming factor, alongside it's historical accuracy, but that's about it. If you'd like to see it, be my guest, but the only audience that I believe this film would attract would be veterans, bored folk, the pantheon of Gods from the Warhammer universe, and aquatic asphyxiation enthusiasts. They say no pain no gain. Dunkirk is all but pain, all action, no rhyme or reason to it whatsoever.
5/10 (Mediocre)
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7 years, 7 months ago
05 Aug 2017 08:16 CEST