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Scenario: The Grass is Greener.. But.. (pt 1)

Since learning of his mother's ability to shapeshift and experiencing some random and uncontrolled partial shifts himself, Iora has been trying very hard to at least get the most basic of grips on his abilities. Random shifts in public are both awkward and potentially embarrassing and has given fuel to the bullies at school. It's been a few years and after some instability, Iora has mostly settled that's part squirrel, part goat.... reminiscent of the satyrs of folklore. It makes him unusual, but hybrids are common enough that while some see it as "weird", others see it as fairly normal and unique. Kids will always tease, but hopefully that settles down with age and maturity.

Having gained some level of control over his shapeshifting ability, Iora has been attempting intentional shifts. He's really not very good at it. Some people have a natural aptitude for art or music. With much practice, Iora is showing very little talent for shapeshifting. Maybe being half full-blood red squirrel inhibits his abilities or maybe not knowing about (or possibly even obtaining) these abilities until later in life makes it more difficult, like learning a difficult language. However it works, he practices from time to time, but so far has never managed a full transformation. Mostly specific body parts (thankfully always in pairs, no random single body part without the matching one!) and they've always been extremely temporary, requiring quite a bit of concentration to maintain. It's really more of a parlor trick, a weak one at that, than anything.

One evening, after dinner, he heads up to his room. His parents retiring to the family room to watch TV. Muffled sounds of whatever police drama they're into these days comes up through the floorboards punctuated by the occasional energetic commercial break. You can always tell the drug ads, they happy and soothing for a few seconds, then the tone drops to 20 seconds of side effects and disclaimers before 3 more seconds of a "buy our crap!" driving the point home.

Iora closes the door and gets undressed, tossing his cloths haphazardly in the direction of the hamper. He hates clothes, but the school has rules about sanitation and modesty and while it's not a uniform, per se, they have guidelines for clothing that might as well be a uniform. The point is to make it easier for students to dress in the morning as well as vaguely balance students' perceptions of their socio-economic status so there's not as much division between people. The rich kids still find a way to show off slightly nicer versions of the "not a uniform" uniform, though, of course. Iora hates the "not a uniform" but whatever.

Finally naked and alone, he lays back on the bed, just stretching and relaxing and letting his mind do nothing for a moment or two. It's been busy all day and deserves a break. As is typical, his hands wander over his body while he lays there. Not as nice as someone else doing it, but still feels pretty great. Taking his time, his hand eventually reaches his his sheath. He's already poking out a bit, but as he grasps his sheath gently and strokes a bit, he hardens and emerges. Soon he feels his knot grow and also emerge. At this point, he's in it for the long haul. It takes FOREVER for that knot to go away on it's own, so he might as well take care of himself. His parents generally leave him alone in the evenings, to unwind or do homework/study or "do whatever boys do". Plus they enjoy their own time to themselves, sometimes retreating into their own room for "whatever couples do".

Iora's aroused enough that he doesn't even need to fire up his computer for encouragement. He's been thinking all day about this video he found that morning and it's still very fresh in his mind. He remembers how soft and round the girl's breasts were. How plump, like a ripe peach, her pussy had been. He loved watching her facial expresses while she road a thick cock, not too dissimilar from Iora's own. That made it easier to put himself in the scene. He finished in no time and almost wished he had prolonged it, but thinking about the video all day had kept him fairly ready from minutes after he had finished that morning until the evening when he could finally do something about it. He may pull the video up again in a little bit and help himself again, for good measure. This one's definitely going in the "favorites" and will provide many fantastic releases before it gets old (if ever).

Laying there, breathing deeply and enjoying the endorphins, still holding his cum slicked cock, he starts to think about the women in the video. He imagines her in more tender and loving ways. Still wanting to touch her body, but in more exploratory and loving ways than just the raw animalistic and sexual ways he had focused on moments before.

As he imagined her body, he may have focused more intently than he realized and he feels the telltale tingle of his shapeshifting ability. Nothing changing so far, but he really starts to ponder "can I actually make myself female?" He really has no idea how much or how little he can change himself. He figures there have to be rules and limits but his mother had told him to come to her when he was ready to have a more detailed talk about it all but he's been a bit embarrassed to discuss these changes with her. He's heard other kids talk about the "birds and the bees" with their parents and has an idea of what that is, but he has a feeling that with his mother, it may be slightly different.

He sits up, puts his back against the wall, so he can look down on his body. He closes his eyes and focuses on the women in the video and the features that her body contained. Slowly, he could feel his scrotum retract and slowly begin to invert. His breasts also started to fill out a bit. This was AMAZING.. he as actually doing it! Not just changing himself into a woman, but doing it slowly and intentionally, in a controlled fashion! He's had some minor success with things in the past, but never this controlled. His left hand reaches up and touches his right breast. He's never felt a real woman's breast before! His right hand slides down his cock and feels underneath to find his scrotum gone and replaced by a pussy which he had also never felt before. The whole situation was so unexpected in that it was happening, that he was succeeding as an attempt at shapeshifting AND he was touching his first pussy and pair of tits, his cock went right back to being fully erect, knot and all!

Grabbing the base of his cock and squeezing with an upstroke as his finger tips stroke the length of his pussy felt absolutely amazing! A few strokes later, he decides to try something. He pushes his cock down (it pushing back like a springboard, of course) until it's comfortable to pivot it around pointing backwards, between his legs. Tip of his penis nearly reaching his anus, but the hot wet length of his cock pressing against his new pussy was a sensation like no other. He rubbed it back and forth a few times before making an attempt to see if it would actually go inside of him. At first it seemed too erect to make the turn (at least comfortably). He pushes a bit more, stressing the angle a little bit. With no warning, his penis, sheat, knot and all, retract to become a very sensitive and engorged clit. He jumps at the electric bolt through his system that the sudden change and stimulation provided.

The transformation into a woman complete, he lays there in a state of overstimulation and shock. Not wanting to ruin it or possibly break out of it (a sudden transformation back might just scramble his brain with overstimulation beyond a reasonable state), Iora lays there for a few minutes. Once his nerve endings have calmed down a little, he starts to explore his new body once again. Feelings are similar, but different. There's no 1 to 1 translation, even with the breasts, between being a woman and a man. Similar but different, some things more intense, some less, most just "different". All pretty amazing. Iora slowly massages his pussy, exploring the ins and outs of what feels good. Before long, he's building to his first orgasm as a woman. Again, it's different than what he's used to, but amazing.

Thinking again about the video (which never really left his mind), he realizes his perspective has changed. While before, he had place himself in the position of the faceless male figure, he's now thinking about the woman in the video... from her perspective. He feels like he understands how it feels when her lover is stroking her pussy lips and clit. He subconsciously slides his fingers over his while thinking about it. But now thoughts turn to the feeling of the cock sliding into her pussy. He's never been with a woman, or even had a blowjob, but for a brief moment he felt his own cock against his own pussy and got the briefest of a notion of what it felt like before his abrupt completion of his transformation.

Looking around his room, he realizes that his small room is woefully ill equipped in the "improvised dildo" department. Hmm.. getting up, he rummages around his messy desk, his closet, some "maybes" but nothing that really seemed good. He might just have to settle if he wants to explore this side of things, but would rather not.

Standing up, he leans back against his corner bedpost. His butt holds him steady as he leans against it the way he has many times before. This time, he realizes that the bedpost, while unconventional, is at a good height and size that he leans forward and starts rubbing against it. He's accidentally backed into it before and had it touch his ass, but that's not something he's ever thought to or wanted to explore..not yet in his sexual career at least. But this time, he felt the tip of the bedpost sliding against his virgin pussy. The tease was tantalizing. He savoring the feeling of rubbing against the post for a bit. Pulling back, he turned around to face the bed and gauge the situation. Moving forward, he finds that with standing on his tippy toes just slightly, his clit can rub lightly against the tip of the bedpost. He taps the bedpost a couple times with his clit, just ever so gently, electricity shooting through his body each time. He them touches and holds it there. A gentle and slight grinding, not enough to hurt, just stimulate in a different way. He places his hands on the bed and beds slightly, still somewhat on his tippy toes so he doesn't put too much pressure on his clit. Moving forward a little, the tip of the bedpost pushes his lips apart slightly. Again, he slides against the post a little, letting it tap his clit with each pass.

"This is it", he thinks, and slowly lowers himself onto the bedpost. The stimulation is multiple things all at once. There are multiple nerve stimulation feelings as well as the fullness of the bedpost pressing inside him. Within short order, he's panting and sweating and collapses face down on the bed.

Brains scrambled from a unique and amazing experience, Iora lays there and quickly falls asleep. No sense of anything other than pleasure and exhaustion. What a glorious adventure.

The next morning, Iora awakes. At some point in the night, he had managed to get under the covers. His body feels like it's been through a good workout. Stiff and a little sore, but in a good way. He still feels a shade of the glow from the night before. He smiles and tosses off the covers and slowly sits up. He feels his breasts shift as he does.

*blink*.. breasts? BREASTS?? His eyes open fully and focus and he sees that he hasn't changed back to his original form at all. Everything is exactly how it was when he fell asleep. He's never managed to hold a transformation for more than a few minutes, much less this long! He tries to focus and set things back... but has no success. It's possible his panic is affecting his concentration. It's also possible that being formerly a young male squirrel boy and now apparently a squirrel-goat hybrid... he may now also be permanently female! EEP! Time to manufacture some excuse to skip school today. Thankfully it's Friday and if he can keep hidden, maybe the weekend will yield some success.

I'm not ready for this...
Viewed: 12 times
Added: 7 years, 7 months ago
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