I apologize for this given my last journal entry, but don't think I'll be keeping this account, neither do I think I'll return to this website anytime soon. I mean, I thought I could get back into it but ... a lot has changed, as with all the other art platforms I used to post in. It feels very ... barren everywhere I go, deviantart included, and I don't feel as if my artwork thriving here or there is going to happen.
In addition, a good chunk of my followers are inactive - or have probably unfollowed due to my long inactivity. My two recent pieces haven't really gotten much, if any attention, and while this is not meant to guilt anyone about it, I DO wonder if it's because of the subject no longer being ninja turtles or because it's not nsfw or because of the loss of an audience but... I don't know. There are other things I could say that have kind of rubbed me the wrong way recently as well but will refrain from doing so. If I do come back, I want it to be on a totally clean slate where certain expectations aren't placed upon me and where I can feel comfortable participating in.
If anyone is indeed interested in my artwork, regardless of it being the content you're used to or not, I'll be posting here and on my twitter which is also linked there. I'm always accepting commissions due to my family's poor financial situation and poor work hours.
I...wish I had the luxury of providing requests left and right and in all honesty part of me wants to do so, if not so I can build up an audience here once more - but I've gotten far too busy and stressed and ... the lingering expectation that content HAS to be nsfw in order to receive attention here ( not NSFW content itself ) has led me to believe that the majority of my pieces might not be a good fit for inkbunny - that belief makes me a little uncomfortable about posting here.
I do sincerely wish the best for the friends I did make on here, even if it's been years - but a lot of those are sadly gone and moved on. If I come back, it'll hopefully be with better content people will love and content I will personally love and feel comfortable with, too.