Ok... Maybe not... But it got you to read it! (You hate me now right? -_-)
As some of you know, Paisley-Lee started as a character on FList and was a PIG. I called her that as I thought it sounded... vaguely southern US and thought it was suitable. I decided to take the character to Second Life but couldn't find a cute piglet AV. In the end, I decided to be a rat and the rest is history!
Now... Here is the thing! No-one really calls me Paisley-Lee, they call me Paisley! (Or rattie or cutie or things that combine the two :3) Heck, I dont even introduce myself as Paisley-Lee. It's kinda cumbersome and doesn't really go with this character. Add that with everyone having last names in Second Life and the answer was clear.
tl;dr I'm changing my name from Paisley-Lee to Paisley Lee. Not a MASSIVE change but a change nonetheless. ^_^
(Interestingly I now DO have a piglet AV! Maybe I should name her? Food for thought!)
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7 years, 9 months ago
30 Jun 2017 19:59 CEST