I'd like to extend a very, very grateful thank you to everyone who has helped me, and even shown their compassion to me in my time of need. While I wasn't able to reach the whole $700 I needed, I also knew it was unreasonable of me to expect to reach that. Still, many people showed me that this is one of the best communities I could hope to be a part of.
As for my situation, just to keep the people who were so helpful and caring in the loop, I'll be taking out a payday advance loan and continue trying to take commissions to pay it off. That will at least keep me home for a month.
for sharing my issue. I'm not very big and their efforts to get the word spread definitely helped. And the people that did commission me, especially, since that directly solves my issue, haha. Each of you could have just ignored my plight but you chose to help and I'm dearly grateful.