Wow, where did the time go? O3O
I'm packing up for the easter holidays, which means if there was any chance of me doing anything now, you'll have to add an extra 2 weeks onto that.
Thinking of that, I'm aware I've not been uploading anywhere nears as much as I'd hoped, but college work has to come first and unfortunately there is a lot more than I was expecting, which in turn means I either don't have time to do art or anything like that, or I'm just creatively burned out for the day. Hopefully the break will let me do my own thing and let me screw my head on straight again.
I do want to do stuff in photoshop now that I've been learning how to use it in class, so we'll have to see how that goes.
Also note, due to internet issues back home, I'm not likely to be on regularly. I can probably manage a few minutes a day to check for messages and such but it'll be a quick browse rather than sparking a full conversation.
I'll be back (hopefully) in around 2 weeks, so see you then! ^^
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7 years, 11 months ago
08 Apr 2017 14:27 CEST