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I was thinking of visiting...

So, I was going to visit the USA this year, I was super excited, but now, I don't think I will.

A few reasons.

1 - The price I've been quoted is 50% over my limit and even if it's lowered to the price I want, it's a lot of money which I've been concerned about spending. I earn money, but I don't spend anything, losing most of my savings on a large trip is not ideal.

2 - The dates, I will have to force myself to take even more time off from work and my boss is not happy about my holidays as is, I could come back jobless, which I am concerned if I get fired I will not be able to obtain another job, as it took me over 5 years just to land this one.

3 - https://youtu.be/SGT6nkhrJsQ - extreme vetting, the border patrols could ask for my phone and passwords. As I frequent this site and many of my contacts we talk about sensitive subjects that could then make them go "we don't want you here" and then when asked at my border why I was turned away, even drawn cubs are looked down upon, possibly finding even the most minor of offences, making me lose my job and livelihood.

I know this is paranoia, but due to your government passing a bill saying they can buy your ISP data, by the time I fly over, what's not to say they can just take all my tech and use my phone to steal all my information from me and make it public. I write stories on my phone, stuff that'd make normal people think I am not a law abiding citizen.

Aside from the stories I write here, I abide by the law than any other person, I have a clean record and my job NEEDS a clean record, risking this is not what I want to do.

What do you think? Should I come anyways? I don't want to disappoint my friends out there and I do want to see the USA, but why bother going if I'm only going to be thrown out with my whole life as I know it destroyed.
Viewed: 50 times
Added: 7 years, 10 months ago
7 years, 10 months ago
Your just paranoid.. But to be honest the trip your planning is over priced.. Honestly we could just road trip the real american way though my path and ul have a fuck ton left over.. Plus your really helping us out and id love to be your personal trip guy :3
7 years, 10 months ago
about the phone thing..
just get old peoples non smartphone and use that abroad, and get like a real cam to take photos with
if someone asks for facebook etc.. passwords.. just tell you don't have those..
i mean.. i don't actually have facebook etc.. many social media accounts at all, because.. i kinda dislike the concepts..
also.. no one would think of asking IB etc.. accounts...
7 years, 10 months ago
good idea kiwa!

but i still think that you should do what makes you feel safest Duke *hugs*
7 years, 10 months ago
Do it if you want the experience x3. Most people wait till they're too old to really enjoy the trips, it's better to travel while you still can. Just a general opinion here, do what will make you happy!
7 years, 10 months ago
I agree with this.
7 years, 10 months ago

I was pretty disturbed by the new internet privacy laws too, until I read these articles.  It's still not a good development, but I'm a lot less worried now.

I didn't watch the vetting video, but if for whatever reason you don't feel safe coming here, then I completely understand your not coming.  No reason to put your safety or security on the line just for a short-lived vacation.

The same goes for the money/job stuff.  I know how long it took you to find a job, so I don't blame you at all for not wanting to lose it, or to lose your savings.  Waiting until things are more secure in your life seems like a perfectly reasonable decision to me :)
7 years, 10 months ago
My opinion is that it's not worth the risk to go.  
Wait until the exchange rate is better; the USA will (probably) still be there.
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