Howdy all who read this!
So this is just me kind of streamlining some thoughts I have had swirling around in a giant vortex fashion, in my mind for some time, but I figured a journal is a good place to put 'em especially since it's related to how I interact with folks on here. If at any time I came across as overly clingy, flirty or just plain awkward, you'll have to forgive me for sending any mixed, or possibly creepy messages/comments. I sometimes feel a bit lonely and crave company, so much that I tend to say or in most cases on here, type things that are way beyond the freaky zone. I'm not just talking freaky as in kinky; more like freaky as in make a person widen their eyes like this:
And then think to themselves 'ooooooooookay then. I'll just be walking away now...'
If at any point I've made anybody feel uncomfortable, you have my sincerest apologies for my social awkwardness. I may get lonely, but that's no reason for me to let it control how I decide to interact with content creators on here. The only thing I can't apologize for is my enjoyment of "sending hugs" to people; I'm a hugger and love both giving and receiving hugs. If you're not a hugger, a fist/claw/paw/fin bump or head nod will suffice I reckon. Heh-heh.
Yeah that's more evidence, I reckon, of how socially awkward I am on here (and honestly in real life), but all I can do is keep trying to be a better me each day that passes. All this aside, thank you for reading. Hope your tomorrows bring you great fortune. Take care everybody!
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8 years ago
25 Mar 2017 05:27 CET