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SUGGESTION BOX - Submit Ideas Here!

Well, while Soup's taking the day off... or the week... or the month... pretty sure it's not coming back... AN-yway, while we're waiting for my choice of venue to stop slacking off, we can spend that time acquiring plenty of new material! Now that I've found a good role for Krizeii to serve, we can spend that time focusing on the five shows, along with the bonus sixth for Saturday. Here are the shows and how YOU can help!

Monday Role Reversals: Have you ever seen a scene where a boy got naked and wondered "What'd it look like if it happened to that one girl instead?" Well, this show is for all of those moments! If there's a show with a prominent male character and a prominent female, you can use this show to switch a scene with humorous male nudity, give the scene to the girl of your choice, and let the humor work itself from there!
The side rules for this show are as follows:
1) Humor only! If you want sexy lil' girls, ask someone else. I CAN give you sexy men, though.
2) Must have AT LEAST ONE RECURRING FEMALE! If there's no girls, the whole thing has no point.
3) Must MAKE SENSE within the SHOW'S RULES! There's no way Lisa's doing half the things Bart does to disrobe.

No Girls Allowed!: This is for all those moments that bugged you ask a kid, and might bug you on casual viewing, too. If there was a male who bared all, and a female who was kept covered, let me know and I'll point out the hypocrisy! As an added bonus, you'll get an alternate version of the screenshot containing the offending entry with the censorship LESSENED!
Some basic rules apply:
1) Humor only! Sexy ass-shots of Time-Travelling Terminators will not be accepted unless the killer gynoid is laughed at by street punks... and is seven foot tall with muscles, Terminators really need to hide that skeleton!
2) Specific cases only! If the reason it bugged you was because it never happened, that goes in one of the other two shows.
3) Equal coverage only! If the guy was shown just as much as the girl, that's not a tragedy, that's a triumph!
4) Must be TV-PG! Butts are fine, but even our fun little alternate universe still respects women's privacy. Of course, if the boy showed his junk, then all bets are off!

Yes, It Can Be Done!: It's fun being right, and this shows shows off all the reasons why I am. Here we take a look at a humorous young female nude scene... that survived! If you grew up on it and turned out alright, then bring it hear and we'll show it off!
Rules for this one, too:
1) Humor only! I don't care if you can show naked little girls in Japan, if they're all for sex, then it hurts my case.
2) Preference will be given to media children grew up on. The parent may see a pedo, but if the kid didn't and it wasn't there, then the kid needs to know it's okay.

How Do We Do It?: Okay, this one I can do on my own, BUUUT(T), I am open to a vote on here! If we're to learn how we do it, we gotta know what it'd look like, right? So my question to you is: Should I hire Krizeii to construct nude character models for characters who didn't often get nude scenes (like girls)? The answer that receives 10 votes will be chosen. All responses should include sound justification or the vote is void.

Ask ArcRoyale!: This one is easy: ask me a question! Any question! In fact, I prefer the harder ones, stuff that can get me to open up about myself to share where I'm coming from. You can also send me arguments the other side makes for why naked women should remain sexual, and why cartoon girls can't get naked.

Mature Musings: Basically, take Role Reversal, No Girls Allowed, or Yes It Can Be Done, and do something with a girl who's a teenager or older. Keep in mind that the theme of this one is nudity that's not used for sexual purposes, especially if it's just for humor.

Look forward to your suggestions! Be sure to check it all out over here on Inkbunny! And be sure to look up my blog... WHEN IT STARTS WORKING AGAIN!!
Viewed: 80 times
Added: 7 years, 4 months ago
7 years, 4 months ago
I have a question regarding the role reversal.
Does the revised scene in question have to be an exact recreation of the original or are we allowed to put a slightly unique spin on it if we want to?
7 years, 4 months ago
Unique spins are absolutely encouraged! Especially if they fit the character. The Dee Dee versions of A Hard Days Day are quite different from the original, after all!

You did kinda forget to vote, though. Should I ask my people to do nude model sheets for How Do We Do It and why?
7 years, 4 months ago
" ArcRoyale wrote:
Unique spins are absolutely encouraged! Especially if they fit the character. The Dee Dee versions of A Hard Days Day are quite different from the original, after all!

You did kinda forget to vote, though. Should I ask my people to do nude model sheets for How Do We Do It and why?

Well I suppose having model sheets would help other aspiring artists get a better understanding of various characters. Also my apologies for Soup.io turning out to be a unreliable alternative.
7 years, 4 months ago
i recall a cartoon from the late 80's called alf tales where they did there version of fairy tales one of them was Alice in wonderland where Alf played in the Alice role instead of his girl friend Rhonda  , well in one scene he shrinks like in the story but not his clothing  so he crawls out of them , i thought it would be better if Rhonda was in that scene , in fact she was suppose to be , this episode might still be on you tube not sure but this is one of many scenes i know of that i  wanted to share with you ^^  as for the nude models  i say yes as long as there not too provocative ^^  glad to see someone out there thinking about these things and best of good luck to you !
7 years, 4 months ago
Why do you say yes to the model sheet question? I need a specific reason otherwise I'm just gonna assume it's all for porno purposes.
7 years, 3 months ago
no,not porn i say yes to the model reference sheet for anatomy proportions only  so different types of attire can be used to form fit the body more accurately . kind of like how Archie comic characters were first drawn  nude then clothes drawn over them to fit the body form , perhaps reference sheets should be made " Barbie anatomy " style that is a nude body , without  the private parts  with the possible exception of the butt and belly button .
7 years, 4 months ago
Throwing out some ideas.

1. Actually seeing Lisa skinny dipping at Duff Gardens. And also taking the nudist issue of the the Simpsons comic and actually having the family go through with it.
2. There are a couple of nude scenes (the Ed's loosing their swim-suits at a pool party, Johnny streaking, the cursed boomerang that made DD strip, that could be replaced Nazz. And in this cartoon network bumper you can swap the Eds and the Kanker's positions.
3.In Steven universe that'res an episode where he brings his clothes to life to fight a possessed mascot costume and ends up naked, so you could throw Connie into that scene as well.
4. Replace the boys in the Hey Arnold Mooning episode with girls
5. Changing the clothing optional beach from Bob's Burgers from an adults only beach to an all ages one.
6. Placing cartoon Starfire in some of comic book Starfire's naked situations

Also, quick question: I know you talk a lot about the hypocrisy male butts vs female butts, but what about male vs female nipples? I don't just say this as someone that wants to see little girls bare chests, but I honestly think it's bullshit that men can go around with-out shirts but women can't. With this in mind, do you think you'd be more willing to start including nipples?
7 years, 4 months ago
Let's go over each one:

1) That Duff Gardens one has been on my list for a while. I've just been plotting out the scene to make it seem more like classic Simpsons, which is surprisingly hard to do right. The biggest hurdle is figuring out what the Fermentarium is and what makes it different from the Beerquarium. I'm currently thinking it'd be like a beer-themed water park, with her having a silly hallucination while swimming. As for the nudist resort issue, it's tempting, but I need to make it in character, and that needs to include a pair of prudes, one of which might not want her kids seeing her or each other naked.
2) I'm not 100% familiar with EEnE, and I have no interest in the show, so those might be a tad harder to justify doing.
3) That sounds like it could be fun. "Connie! I need backup!"
4) Need to see, that episode, but it seems out of character for the HA girls.
5) Ehh, maybe? That show has a weird art style though, and I'm not interested in much adult animation since so few of it is actually adult, and it's the kind of territory you might get sexualization in.
6) Star's comic nude scenes are way too sexual, but I could do one where her lack of modesty is more for humor. Also on the plate is some kinda takeoff of the moment from Laundry Day in TTG where she just has Silkie; the plan was to redo it in 2003 style.

Also, I went into the issue of the female nipple on the blog, but the blog is still kaput, so I'll say it here: people don't raise as much of a stink over female butts as they do female nipples. A girl butt can still be PG-13, which, in our modern society, is okay for kids to watch. A girl nip is automatically an R, not suitable for anyone but adults, or can only be shown on TV rarely unlike the butt. Besides, lil' girl nips might make me look bad, and I already have enough people mistaking me for a pedophile, I don't need more.

Also, you kinda forgot to vote on the model sheet question.
7 years, 4 months ago
" ArcRoyale wrote:

Also, you kinda forgot to vote on the model sheet question.

Ah, I missed that bit. I guess I vote yes, but don't have any "sound reasoning" beyond not seeing any reason not to.
7 years, 4 months ago
" ArcRoyale wrote:
As for the nudist resort issue, it's tempting, but I need to make it in character, and that needs to include a pair of prudes, one of which might not want her kids seeing her or each other naked.

I don't see it as all that out of character really. Marge only really tries to be a prude to cover up the fact the she's (to quote a great movie) "a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus" who has been naked in public on multiple occasions, and Lisa might be open to it as an alternative lifestyle which, as a vegetarian Buddhist she might be interested in trying (plus there's an argument to made about the Buddhist ideal ridding one's self materialism and applying it to clothes). Hell, in the comic I think they would have actually given it a shot, had Homer not broken down from seeing Patty and Selma there.

" ArcRoyale wrote:
2) I'm not 100% familiar with EEnE, and I have no interest in the show, so those might be a tad harder to justify doing.

That's a shame. EEnE was one of my favorite cartoons growing up and it's absolutely hilarious.

" ArcRoyale wrote:
4) Need to see, that episode, but it seems out of character for the HA girls.

I could maybe see Helga doing it, and dragging Phoebe along with her. (Bit of a stretch, yes, but I'm just throwing ideas out.)

6 years, 11 months ago
The idea of Dexter creating some destructive nanomachines and trying (and inevitably failing as is the nature of the show) to stop them WOULD make for a good, Dexlabs-like plot, but I should mention that a majority of its would simply be nanobots destroying buildings and one of Dex's giant robots, though like the show, we would have a good naked Dexter scene from his failure around the end. It makes a lot of sense, so thanks for the idea! I'll have to ruminate on it a bit.

As for the Lisa one, I just finished reading that issue, so I can tell what you're talking about. It'll be really easy to do, too.
7 years, 3 months ago
I just thought of another idea that I think you'll enjoy.

Okay, here's the set-up, in a more recent episode titled Boy Meets Curl, Lisa becomes addicted to collecting Olympic pins. This addiction reaches point where she even sells her dress (and pearls, by the way) to buy more, and wears a make-shit dress made from her pins (pic of pin dress).

Now, wouldn't this be a very inopportune time for a wacky scientist, say Professor Frink, to be working on a powerful electro-magnet (hell, he could be miles away and build a magnet that only affects pins, because Frink), that could quickly rip that pin dress off her? And what her dress wasn't the only article of clothing she sold for more pins?

Even if you're not sold on the Frink magnet idea, I think that dress provides a lot of opportunities,
7 years, 3 months ago
Oh, yes! Thanks for reminding me of the pin thing! I actually had my own idea for that a long time ago, might do it in-between the PPG comic.
7 years, 3 months ago
Maybe she sold her shoes as well?
7 years, 3 months ago
I was thinking more showing the transaction, seeing her sell her stuff.
7 years, 3 months ago
Ah okay, and than the electro-magnet incident happens?
7 years, 3 months ago
The electromagnet was never part of the equation. That's too stupid and coincidental, even for Zombie Simpsons. Also sounds too perverted.
7 years, 3 months ago
Ah, I really liked that idea.

Okay, fine, how about this idea; in the the episode of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy "No Body Loves Grim" Mandy has to deal with a puppy grabbing onto the back of her swimsuit (ala the Coppertone ads) and after dragging her off-screen we then see him walk by with a piece of her swimsuit in his mouth. How about showing the actual tearing take place?
7 years, 3 months ago
Someone already did that.
7 years, 2 months ago
Are you searching for examples to use for your "No girls allowed" segment? Because I have an ideal example that might pique your interest.
7 years, 2 months ago
Sure, tell me tell me!
7 years, 2 months ago
I'll PM you my idea.
7 years, 2 months ago
Alright, how about this' in the Fairly OddParents episode "Blondas have More Fun," after Wanda switches places with her sister she relaxes naked in a hot tub full of milk (for... some reason), but we only see her head and arms. How about a pic that shows more skin?
7 years ago
You know, scenes from the Simpsons comics get brought up from time to time, but I'm surprised you haven't touced this one yet. The possibilities are endless!

Plus it pokes a hole in your idea that Lisa and Marge (or at least, the comic versions of them) are "too prude for nude".
7 years ago
Ah, see, the thing about that is that it's a really good scene that I completely forgot about on numerous occasions. Thanks for reminding me about it.
7 years ago
Another quick Simpsons idea that comes to mind. How about taking the Too Hot for TV VHS cover, and getting a reverse angle on it?
7 years ago
Tempting, but Bart already being shown from the rear means no.
7 years ago
I think he's bent over far enough that you can justify having his stomach cover any naughty bits or you could just move him a bit more towards the center and have it be covered by Homer's leg.
6 years, 11 months ago
Not sure if you'll go for this, considering how much of stickler you are to things being show accurate, what about taking Nano of the North type evens in other series? At the very least it could fit well with Dexter's Lab, with Dexter accidentally creating clothes eating nanobots, or having his satellite from streaky clean go haywire to the point of destroying everyone's clothes.

Also,there's this scene from the Simpsons comics where Lisa is possessed by a cursed desk that causes here to moon her class. You can commission a picture of this scene from a more revealing angle (there does exist a picture like that, but it's super explicit, so you can get yourself a more show accurate one). Also, maybe you could use the cursed desk angle to get Lisa in some more Bart-like compromising positions? Just a though.
6 years, 10 months ago
Here's a simple idea; take Dee Dee's "almost walked out naked" scene from the Dexter's Lab episode Game for a Game, and remove the potted plant that covers her, instead either having your flower censor, or having her jump out facing away from the camera and showing her butt.
6 years, 10 months ago
Didn't I already do that?
6 years, 10 months ago
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Sorry, haven't gotten much sleep. Still, the reverse shot is still an option.
6 years, 10 months ago
Question: Would you consider a Digimon based commission?
6 years, 10 months ago
What did you have in mind?
6 years, 10 months ago
Well, in the first Digimon series they had no problem showing male butts in one scene (in the Japanese version anyway) but were far more conservative with the girls. So, one could simply create some butt shots from the scene where Mimi and Sora take a bath together (the same scene where boy-butt was shown) the scene where Mimi takes a bath alone after being "kidnapped", or the scene where Sora and Mimi take a shower together on the cruise ship. Or for something more complex, after the aforementioned shower the girls were forced to run away from an evil Digimon wearing nothing but towels wrapped around them, and you could change so the towels aren't big enough to fully wrap around so the most they can do is cover up the front parts, leaving the back exposed.
6 years, 10 months ago
The best one of your ideas would be the "running from the evil Digimon" idea. The other ideas risk being too fanservicey in light of the girls' characterization, but that idea works well. Also, an idea like the model sheet for Sora that had her topless would be a good original scenario that could show her butt in a few shots of her being angry. I've currently got the idea of her accidentally being walked in on by one of the boys who got lost and accidentally entered the ladies bath instead of the mens, and one of the shots she yells at him in would be a rear view shot where she drops her arms before moving them back.

Actually, Xierra's a Digimon fan, so we could get both a comic and screenshots from it. Sound good?
6 years, 10 months ago
Sounds great.
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