Been a good while since I last posted anything, between a muse that seems to have taken a vacation and a few other things that are far more distracting than they should be (like a certain one-man dev-team farming simulator) figured I'd drop a micro-story and a micro-micro story as evidence that I'm not dead just yet before I get sucked back into making wine, milking cows and hunting some freakin' artifacts that need to show up already dammit.
The micro-micro story, containing a bit of a mistake when it comes to gender by a naughty feline that really should have paid more attention in class.
"Javin, this is a male."
Javin's head snapped up. Meeting Das' gaze with incredulous eyes.
"But... what... everyone always says only females will even give them a second glance! That the scent only works on females!"
"Generally, yes." Das responded, heavily stressing the first word. "However, as you should have known the scent merely lowers inhibitions, it doesn't eliminate them. Generally only females show interest, but there are males that share that inclination as well, and it would appear you managed to stumble upon one."
Javin's ear folded back in consternation, though his face also showed confusion as well.
"A male interested in other males? Like that?"
Das hung his head and rolled his eyes in despair over the ignorance of the young.
"Yes. It's not common by any stretch, but it does happen from time to time."
"But... what am I supposed to do with a male? How am I suppose to... you know..."
As exasperating as Javin's continued confusion was Das couldn't help but grin and lick his lips a little.
"Oh have no worry there, male or females there are plenty of things to 'do' should they be agreeable. If anything, and based upon... stories I have heard a male can be just as good if not better than a female for that sort of thing."
Adopting a speculative expressive Javin looked down at the sleeping form next to them.
"Is that right..."
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8 years, 1 month ago
27 Jan 2017 14:31 CET