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Camera's and Money

Here is a rant.  There's your warning.  

Why do they have to make such expensive cameras?  The most maddening part of it all is what makes them so expensive is all the features I just plain don't care about!  Swivel screens, touch screens, wifi?  I could care less that the only way to put pictures onto my pc is by using the SD card.  That's why its there right?  Then, to make room for these things they let other more photographically functional things fall to the way side.  So, if you want one WITH those features you have to go and buy the higher up model which drives the price higher!  I want a normal, not a: "youmustshowtheworldthepictureyoujusttookinstantlyrightnow" camera.  One that is more about specs and the pictures it can take with it.  I want one without video mode which, again, drives up the price.  So instead of me buying a T6s for $700 I get the T6b (b for basic) for $400 instead.  I don't want a camera that can instantly share a picture to my facebook.  I don't want to geotag where i took the picture, I don't want to be able to save them all to my phone, I don't care for taking videos on my camera.  I want to enjoy the solice of being in a remote area with nothing but myself and the vista around me.  I want to be where only i can know for sure where I am.  And, when I am ready, to share with you what i saw and found.  Because thats what its about.  Not instantly sharing or staying connected with the world.  We have too much of that.  It takes the fun out of why I use my camera.  But no, i have to buy all those features for a lot more or buy an older model with less specs if i want to pinch my pennies because i cannot afford the newfangled bs one because of all the media sharing additions....
Viewed: 50 times
Added: 7 years, 4 months ago
7 years, 4 months ago
Amen! It's why I still have my old slider phone. It's a phone. If I wanna chat i'll text or use my comp. I wanna game I have my handheld for that. Though with so many things turning to requiring aps to work like the steam gaurd so I can actually trade and use the community market I'm going need one. But still I get ya reason. Release simple cameras again where they are just digital cameras and nothing else.
7 years, 4 months ago
Oh, it's the same way with a lot of other things too...  
Want a new 4k tv?  They're all "smart".  Can't get one that just has simple HDMI ports and a damn remote.
Want a "smart" thermostat or zoning system?  Comes with wifi and usually require an 'app' or some sort of 'cloud' interface, instead of some sort of powerline or actual ethernet networking support and a means to control it via intranet or VPN.
New car?  Most come with big ass touchscreen "infotainment" centers that try and mimic your phone/tablet badly and probably won't let you mess with at a red light or otherwise in traffic, or your passenger while on the move...

Though I wouldn't mind a new DSLR that could shoot decent 4k60 video.
7 years, 4 months ago
A shoe bow with a Carl Zeiss lens is all you need, but you just can't get it!  The same thing has annoyed me greatly for years about so many things, and I think it started with cars.  Once they started making them for "dealer stock," it became impossible to just get what you wanted without a bunch of what you don't want, and electronics just followed that
7 years, 4 months ago
That's the truth with alot of things these days, doesn't matter if it's your phone or your fridge, you either have to buy an older model or buy something even more expensive just so ya don't have to put up with all the fancy features, one of the many reasons I'm not a fan of new and fancy stuff..
7 years, 4 months ago
Buy an older model, do try and check the clicks if it's second hand. Also, def get better lenses before getting a new body. It usually improves your photo's more then a new body does, specially since the last 5-7 years.
The specs have changed so damn little, which is actually why they are doing this. The progress in slr digital image making is to slow so they are making up other things to get people to buy camera's.

Only good reason to buy a new "big" camera is getting a mirrorless system camera
 Because their engins don't slowly degrade with every photo you take.
7 years, 4 months ago
I suppose that the commercialisation of the world means that if they didn't do it someone else will, and there is a niche lost in the market. That they are designed for a particular market that has a need for all the additions, as well as has the resources to adore them. Ultimately it could simply be a have and not need than need and not have, which means costs follow.

Ultimately it is the capitalist consumerist, 'utopia' we have inherited. Maybe you would be better with a camera that has film...
7 years, 4 months ago
Go check out Pentax. I've had my eye on the K3 II, which looks all business and no frills.
7 years, 4 months ago
I kinda have to stick with Canon because i have 4 lenses for canon.
7 years, 4 months ago
I'm lucky in that regard. I have an old Olympus plus two kit lenses I got super cheap. So whatever I upgrade to, I'll need new lenses and everything else anyway, so I'm not stuck to one specific brand right now.
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