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To Any Telegram Users With iDevices or Macs...

Apple has just decided to block access to any adult channels and groups on the Telegram app. How and why they're able to do this, I have no clue, as Telegram is supposed to be secure and all that stuff, but I'm kinda pissed that they're trying to censor stuff. If someone wants to download dirty gifs, just fucking let them, for god's sake. >.>

However, only versions downloaded from the App Store are affected by this, so if you have a jailbroken iDevice, you can use Cydia to download a patch for your version of Telegram, or if you have a Mac, you can simply download the program from the Telegram website instead of the App Store.

If you have an Apple device and want your device to be secure, I would look into a different platform if I were you. This has gotten me worried about just how seriously Apple takes their consumers' privacy and security.
Viewed: 20 times
Added: 7 years, 5 months ago
7 years, 5 months ago
Telegram and secure? Come on, don't tell me you're that naïve.

Also, the last paragraph makes me chuckle since you foind it silly when I said that companies don't give a nickel about consumer privacy.

And, this is more about content control than privacy.
7 years, 5 months ago
It's encrypted. The only people who are supposed to have access to a user's messages are said user and those who said user wishes to disclose it to, or those who are able to hack it. It's a hell of a lot more secure than Skype. Here's a link talking about their protocol if you wanna look at the nitty-gritty about their encryption. https://core.telegram.org/mtproto I know it's not the most secure thing in the world, but come on. It's not supposed to be information just given to the highest bidder.

If Apple didn't give a nickel about consumer privacy, then they wouldn't have refused to unlock the iPhone of that criminal a few months back. They would have just done whatever the FBI wanted, allowing a backdoor into their system that could cause privacy and security problems for their consumers. If Apple had wanted to look good, they would have just done what the FBI wanted. Been a "model" company. But they didn't. They instead chose to not risk their users' security.

Which is why I'm so damn mad about this. I don't care about content control. Content control is a breach of security and privacy whether people want to believe it or not. Censoring the internet is the last thing we need, and I thought Apple, of all people, would have realized it.

What is funny, though, is that the douchebag of the last decade, aka Microsoft, has become better in terms of security than its direct competitors in this decade.
7 years, 5 months ago
Can you provide a source for this?
7 years, 5 months ago
I don't have a screenshot right now, because both Google and Bing are being finicky with finding the correct stuff with the tags I'm typing in, but I'll get one.
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