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Sonic Boom Review for 11/26/2016

Well, this episode of Sonic Boom was... very interesting... Not bad. Not good. But it was... very random... It was hard to make sense of it. So, you know this one stars Sticks right off the bat. LOL

So, without further ado, here's my review of the new episode of Sonic Boom which aired on November 26th, 2016.


The episode starts in Sticks' Burrow where we see her brushing her teeth. She turns the sink faucet on... only... no water coming out. After banging on the faucet a few times, Sticks comes up with a logical explanation... (Ooh, boy...) Someone is stealing all the water to sell it back to everyone. (Okay, maybe that didn't sound as crazy as I thought it would...) Stick then proclaimed to the "greedy, draconian overlords" (Uhp, there's the crazy. :D ) that she's onto their scheme and that they would rue this day... and the next few days... and eventually forever! XD Later, at Meh Burger, Sonic, Tails, & Amy were watching Comedy Chimp on TV doing his best Jay Leno impersonation doing a monologue on the recent water shortage, saying he hopes the water department is doing something worthwhile... like rerouting it to Dr. Eggman's bathtub! XD As the gang laughed, Sticks, still with a bit of toothpaste stuff around her mouth, went to the TV and changed it to the local news where Soar the Eagle reporting... about the opening of a giant scissors factory... While Mayor Fink struggled to cut the ribbon to signify the opening of the factory (Freakin' irony. :D ), Sticks is frustrated with the fact that they're not talking about the water crisis. Tails believes that it's just a plumbing issue while Sticks believes it's an evil government plot! Amy tells Sticks that our elected officials are here to help us and that they're smart, hard-working, no nonsense public servants with a passion for helping the common man. (Oh, Amy... So naïve...) One screen wipe ala Gilligan's Island later and we see Mayor Fink at City Hall trying to cut out a coupon for discounted corn with oversized scissors. Sticks then barges in, insisting that the people demand the truth and for the Mayor to focus less on those coupons and more on the water crisis, but Mayor Fink was trying to figure out the meaning of Buy 2 Get 1 Free. (Him and probably 30% of the people that shop at GameStop during holiday weekends... :D ) Sticks, fed up with this, decides to find a crusading journalist to blow the lid off of this water scheme... Unfortunately, the only journalist around was Soar the Eagle, who was seen eating a sandwich. Sticks approaches Soar and tells him about an important news story involving the water supply being stolen. Soar, after finding that interesting, asks why she had came to him. Sticks says it's because he's a journalist! Soar stares blankly. Sticks explains that as a journalist, he's supposed to expose the truth, be the voice of the people and do what's right. Once again, Soar stares blankly. When Sticks finally mentions that Soar might get an award for this, that's when he's finally interested. And he'll do it... after he's finished with his sandwich... The next day, however... the only news story Soar is covering is asking Mayor Fink about 3 puppies he adopted... Sticks, upset that Soar's doing yet another fluff piece, decides to take matters into her own hands... By wearing a colonial hat and ringing a bell, like a town crier. After noticing that no one is paying any attention to her, Sonic tells Sticks that this is not the best way to fight the mainstream media and suggests to her about trying something more high-tech. Sticks proclaimed that technology is the enemy, but figures the enemy of her enemy would be an ally... or a double enemy... :D Back at Sticks' Burrow, a large radio tower protrudes through the roof as Tails helps Sticks gets her pirate radio station set up. After Tails pretty much mocks Sticks for finally going to the tech side, Sticks tells him that though it was not her first choice, sometimes you have to compromise your principals to get the truth out. Tails was surprised at how well reasoned that explanation was and ask if Sticks didn't have anything else to add, like how a time traveling banana told her to do it. ( :D Damn, Tails! XD ) As soon as Tails brings Sticks' broadcast live, Sticks talks about how the water is disappearing and how the media isn't telling you, since "they're in the pocket of big business". She continues on by asking who stands to gain from this and, in this case, she says that the answer is Eggman. She then talks to a caller who says that Eggman's schemes aren't fiscally motivated... They're barely motivated, period. XD Sticks ends her broadcast by saying by this time tomorrow, she'll have proof and everyone will have to believe her. The next day, Tails flies towards Eggman's base with Sticks... who tells Tails to catch her as soon as they jumped! As soon as Sticks jumps from Tails' plane, Tails says that there was never any discussion of that, puts the plane on auto-pilot and follows her. Sticks tells Tails to get the footage and smacks him with the camera. XD Tails grabs it and films Sticks saying that she's jumped out of an airplane to prove to everyone that she's not crazy! :D Tails quickly grabs Sticks and flies her over to the ground. They sneak up and hide behind some rocks to see Eggman next to some kind of storage tanker. Tails films Eggman gloating about how his water-siphoning scheme will make him millions, unless he gets caught red-handed. Sticks proclaims that Eggman is busted, causing Eggman to say that his New Year's resolution is to stop announcing his evil plans. :D Later, back at Sticks' Burrow, Sticks plays her footage on her show, giving the villagers reason to feel outrage... thanks to someone who is outraged yelling at them... Meanwhile, at the TV station, the jerk producer from "Battle of the Boy Bands" and "Bro-Down Showdown", named Dixon, and the even jerk-ier platypus from "Role Models", D.B., were listening to Sticks' broadcast. Dixon proclaimed that the only thing being siphoned faster than the water is their ratings. DB then tells Dixon that "real news" is as "in" as "air quotes." Dixon then has the half-baked idea to fire Soar and hire Sticks. Back at Sticks' Burrow, Dixon introduces himself to Sticks and tells her that the network loves what she's doing and wants to offer Sticks her own television show. Sticks refuses, since he represents "The Man", but Dixon tells her that moving from radio to TV will increase her audience, which means that more people will hear her message about the truth. Sticks feels very uncomfortable with this character and Tails reminds Sticks of the words that she said earlier about compromising your principals to get the truth out. Reluctantly, Sticks agrees. The next day, Sticks is reporting at City Hall in Mayor Fink's office with a crowd of angry villagers behind her, trying to see what the Mayor knows about Eggman's water siphoning plan and when he knew about it. Although, I think he's not as knowledgeable as Sticks thinks, as, visibly unwell from eating too much corn, he runs towards the bathroom, as his stomach gurgles and he farts on his way out of his office. Back at the TV studio, Dixon & D.B. watches the footage with Sticks & Tails as Dixon tells Sticks that she made the Mayor look like a fool and destroyed all faith in our government... (To be fair, I never had that much faith to begin with... XD ) ...and the viewers absolutely loved it as D.B. tells her that ratings are "through the roof." (You know, his air quotes bit is almost as annoying as his role in "Role Models." Almost...) Dixon tells Sticks that her show couldn't be better... but they have some notes to make it a little better... D.B. suggested that, since she's destroyed all faith in government, she should could do a "happy" story to cheer everyone up again. Sticks refused, saying that they agreed to tell the truth and didn't want to sell out. D.B. told her that she wouldn't be selling out, she'd be a "team player." Dixon then told Sticks the same thing about compromising her principals to get the truth out. (Oh, boy...) The next day, Sticks, looking a bit dejected, is back at the Mayor's office where... his puppies just had puppies? (Wait... how does that work?) Back at the TV studio, Sticks insisted that she wants to go back to investigating Eggman. To which D.B. said that there was a "problem"... Eggman Industries is their new sponsor. (Uh... WHAT?!) Sticks tries to argue that Eggman's the VILLAIN, but D.B. tells her that she doesn't even need to do anything "different", just wear this Eggman hat. The next day, Sticks is reporting an accident involving an overturned cart trapping the leg of the Gogoba chief's leg. After getting complimented by him about the ridiculous hat, Sticks has had enough. She's compromised her principals to the point that they've become meaningless! Sticks then tells the villagers that they all have a responsibility to find the truth for themselves and not just do what someone from the TV tells them to do. (That's when my brain started to hurt right there... XD ) When Lady Walrus asks what should they do, Sticks tells them to fight the power. This causes the villagers to go into a rioting mentality. Soon, Sonic, Amy, & Knuckles (Holy snap! NOW is when we see Knux in this episode?!) sees what's going on. Sonic yells out for everyone to chill... which causes everyone to completely stop what they were doing. Sonic was surprised to see that it was that easy to stop the mob mentality until he sees Eggman with some kind of... indescribable machine, which causes the villagers to run around, panicking. Eggman introduces his machine as the Mega Microwave Water Vaporizer as he tells everyone that it causes all water to be vaporized by microwaves... ( 0_o What?) He then says that it has to be hovering over the ocean for it to work, but he wanted to show it to everyone first... ( *facepalms* Eggman, you freakin' moron...) Sonic basically tells him that this is his worst plan yet, and he means worst conceived. Eggman argues that water shouldn't be a public right and that it should be privatized and sold by someone smarter. (What dingleberry actually believes that?! :D ) Sonic was about to stop Eggman's idiotic plan until Sticks stops him and sics the angry villagers towards Eggman's machine. Armed with pickaxes, sledgehammers, and other random stuff (accompanied by a N.W.A. sound-a-like song being played), the villagers were successfully able to dismantle Eggman's machine. Eggman, realizing that he probably should have built better defenses for that machine, retreats. When Tails asks Sticks, after getting the truth out there, fighting the power, and brought about meaningful change, what was next for her, she simply said that she quits. Soar, looking very homely, overhears this and asks for his old job back. Sticks tells him that when he does, she hopes that he realizes how powerful the truth can be. Soar says that he'll never waste that power again... The next day, he reports on the Mayor's puppies' puppies having puppies of their own. See... This is why I don't bother watching the news... well, except The Daily Show.

Like I said before, this episode was all over the place... Not saying it's a bad thing, the message it was trying to send got across. It just got across in the most insane and inane way possible. It certainly wasn't the worst episode starring Sticks, but it wasn't all that great either. Average, at best. Although, I did get some good laughs out of it in the beginning. Maybe it was because Sonic didn't get involved much, I don't know... Well, I'm sure the next episode will be even better.
Viewed: 14 times
Added: 7 years, 6 months ago
7 years, 6 months ago
I haven't seen this one, it's niether in KissCartoon nor Spazz for whatever reason.
7 years, 6 months ago
The episode is on the Cartoon Network website right now. Boomerang airs the episodes on Saturday nights at 6 P.M. and Cartoon Network airs the same episode one week after at 6 A.M.
7 years, 6 months ago
They posted the episode in kisscartoon a few hours ago so I just watched it while having breakfast, also they updated episode 2 with better quality so I downloaded both.

Anyway, I don't know what it is about the second season but I'm really digging the writing and the animation has improved a lot, who would have thought Sticks would be the voice of reason.

Now if you'll excuse me I gotta get ready for work.
7 years, 6 months ago
All that's left now to review is "Alone Again, Unnaturally..." to review, which aired yesterday.
7 years, 6 months ago
Yeah, but I'm going to wait until next week after the Cartoon Network airing of that episode. Don't want to spoil it for everyone. :)
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