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BadMovieFriday 2017

First off, There will not be a BMF some time in December. It will likely be the 23rd but could be the 16th. Maybe both...man 16th would be a great time to play that one particular Holiday Special too. Anyway, going to be out of town around that time. Be the first time in over five years since I started this that I have had a planned and scheduled no show. Now, there are a hand full of people I have spoken with in the past about maybe co-hosting BMF for such a night. They know who they are and if they think they are up for running BMF for that night, contact me.

I am also already planning for 2017. In January, I want to do a theme of Guilty Pleasure movies. This is the main focus of this post. I want you all to send me suggestions of those films that you enjoy, even though you know the movie is bad. And I do want these to be actual bad movies. Do not suggest to me things like Cloud Atlas and Moulin Rouge. Also avoid comedies if you can.

And for the rest of the year, I am going to promise more schlock and less recent films... unless there is a new film that is just terrible and needs to be given the treatment.

Viewed: 25 times
Added: 7 years, 6 months ago
7 years, 6 months ago
Honestly? I adore Prometheus even though I know lots of folks really hated it. I don't know if that qualifies for what you're looking for, but I nominate it!
7 years, 6 months ago
I will need to research that one and see what the over all hate was for it critically. I always find myself defending it, but I fully acknowledge the glaring flaws with it. For every thing that was done right, great even, there was an equal amount of terrible. That would be a good one for us to pass judgement on.

If you know other films, let me know. You can suggest more than one. =)
7 years, 6 months ago

7 years, 6 months ago
i loved prometheus too :D
7 years, 6 months ago
I've got a list here that I worked on with
1. Star Wars Holiday Special. I'm guessing you already show this tons, but I figured I'd put it up just in case.
2. Rock Horror Picture Show. Does it actually qualify as a bad movie? Cuz I actually love it completely and unironically.
3. The Core. I loved it as a kid, and then I got older and realized it actually sucks.
4. Topkapi. Some old gem heist movie from 1964. It's absolutely ridiculous and laugh-out-loud-able.
7 years, 6 months ago
1. will likely play December and don't want to play a film twice so close together.
2. I am calling this one as not a bad movie.
3. Good suggestion
4. will look it up
7 years, 6 months ago
1. it's a crime against humanity, not a bad movie...  to put it in the words of xkcd https://xkcd.com/653/
2. i'm also calling that one not a bad movie.. it's fabulously campy to a degree it's absolutely brilliant.
3. and 4. i have not seen so... no opinions on those..
7 years, 6 months ago
I'll have to second Binnakee on "The Core."  It's a horrible, awful, wonderful movie, which I own on DVD.  <3
7 years, 6 months ago
I was actually predicting this one to be mentioned more than once
7 years, 6 months ago
You should do a BMFDisasterFest!
Nothing but bad horrible disaster movies for the entire month. :D
7 years, 6 months ago
done that before and covered most of the ones everyone would expect
7 years, 6 months ago
I remember it now.  It was a lot of fun. :)

btw, nice Dec.16 reference. ;D
7 years, 6 months ago
i really like " Howard the Duck " .. for many reasons..  bad acting.. duck tits.. amazingly bad 80's music and outfits.. it's brilliant in so many ways.
i think " wild wild west " by sill smith was lovely.. but not sure if that is an actual bad movie, although i know many people who seem to think that it is.. i personally think it's not.
" Demolition man " , by sylvester stallone...  it's actually amazing in a way it portrays some parts of the future we know live in, like self driving cars and all this SJW kinda "you have to be polite to everyone" mentality the movie has, where even cursing is automatically fined..
and last, which comes to mind is... a true gem. .and an ACTUAL bad bad bad movie -->
Masters of the Universe (1987) .. starring Dolph Lundgren...
i love this mainly because, i'm an 80's kid, He-Man was a big part of my childhood toons, and the way this movie managed to fuck every aspect of those up..
7 years, 6 months ago
Howard I agree with, and Masters of the universe is a fine choice.

I think I would put Judge Dredd over Demolition man as far as guilty pleasure films. Also not sure if I can call Demolition Man a bad movie. Another Stallone film I really like that got panned by critics is Oscar. But not going to play that one cause its a comedy, and I honestly think its not a bad film.

As for Wild Wild west, I will prolly put that one up for vote.

Thanks for the suggestions
7 years, 6 months ago
i remember oscar.. i think i went and see it in a movie theatre actually...
was teen back then, and memory about the movie is a bit fuzzy, but i remember i laughed a lot.. and didn't think it was a bad movie back then.. haven't seen that in .. .literally decades i think, so i have no real opinion about it now....
and yeah.. wild wild west.. it's a bit campy, and a bit corny.. but seriously now that i think about it... it's not an actual bad movie.
it's not that long since i last seen that one and.. i have to say, i was entertained through the whole thing, both from the actual movie, and it's campiness..
7 years, 6 months ago
lol avoid comedies? you wouldn't be doing that for me would you? cause comedies instantly take my movies down a notch XD

ill try and think of some bad ones ;)

how about cabin by the lake! its got judd nelson and he's CREEPY! if only the movie had taken itself more seriously it could have been a REALLY good thriller..... instead we get a campy B-movie with dumb jokes and token characters..... would LOVE to see someone make a serious remake of this
7 years, 6 months ago
If I allowed comedies, I would have a month of Adam Sandler films
7 years, 6 months ago
lol i guess you are right! XD
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