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Child Pornography and Furry...

This is a pretty controversial subject in the furry community. I stand by the people who wish to draw it without be judged by it, though I realize this isn't going to happen. A large amount of people see this as child abuse and I do agree with this but within reason.

Saying a picture (on in this case, a drawing) of a furry child character... Say a young bird girl who appears child like (anthro or feral), is the same as an actual real life human child is like saying to me that owning porn of a furry character in a sexual situations is the equivalent of bestiality, which is illegal in America, the country FA's servers are stored. You see how unreasonable this is right?

If we apply one standard, then we must apply the same to porn with animals right? Now I looked up child pornography laws and couldn't find anything in regards to fictional characters that aren't human. As a matter of fact, each time "child" or "children" were used, it was used for the Human species and not animal. This doesn't mean its legal though as these laws haven't caught up with this but the context is important here. In terms of media, acts with animals are handled completely different than they are with humans. For example, you can kill an animal on set and it wouldn't hurt the rating of the animal. As a matter of fact, they put in movies that "no animal was harmed in the making of this film" just to appease animal rights activist. This is also why you can see a scene in a movie where two dogs are fucking or just the abuse of animals in general. Hell, in The Secret Life of Pets, some of the animals in the movie have modeled assholes on them, and this is in a children's movie.

Animals in media are handled differently than they would be if they were human. The same is true in the real world as well. We aren't allowed to abuse children or even kill them but each time we all eat a 8 piece Chicken mean, we are eating animal that is no more than 8 weeks old, you know, a child but it's completely unreasonable to treat a chick (child of a chicken) the same we would a human child. If its okay to kill animal children, then why isn't it okay to draw the killing or sexual interactions of animal cubs or whatever they are called officially. If this isn't okay, then neither should allowing sexual or adult drawings of animals, since they too are illegal to own.

I've always been for what is fair to everyone. Furry Network blew up with this and now it seems to be popping up again and in all fairness for those who like this, the way they are getting beat up isn't right. The reason the furry community exist is to exchange ideas with one another and the bashing of one group for what may or may not be legal (technically) for what is actually illegal (i.e. animal porn).

I know posting this in a journal isn't something that will make headlines, considering furries think what I draw should be banned as well but this is something that should be talked about. To be clear, I don't actually like child porn, as most people in the fandom but it should be noted that this is a gray area with no real backing from US law as its in reference to humans only. This should be the decision of the public but the powers that be with money aside.
Viewed: 110 times
Added: 7 years, 5 months ago
7 years, 5 months ago
Its a tough subject to be sure. But i think when it comes down to it it all depends on ones morals and views on things. My views are simple and such. To me cub porn be it abusive cub porn or extreme stuff is what its all ways been. Fantasy. And that's how i see everything hand made by any artist.

Now there are some things that even i don't like but i make it a point not to bash someone for something they like to make or are payed to make.

And that's just my opinion and views on cub art. Idk how else to describe my views on this but i get the jist of what your saying.
7 years, 5 months ago
Pretty much what you said.
7 years, 5 months ago
Humans are animals.  End of story.
7 years, 5 months ago
^This. We just happen to have a higher functioning brain that is more evolved but there are alot of animals out there that have the same such brains such as Dolphins, Whales, Big Cats, Gorillas,and certain species of Canines that are capable of logic, reasoning, understanding, and questioning. We all have to remember that we are the ones that create these pointless societal rules that are just there to limit us or hinder us and that they really dont mean anything in nature or the wild. Thats how I feel about certain things such as nudity, sexuality, inter-species relationships, fetishes, etc.
7 years, 5 months ago
This journal should go to the lead admin of FN and Dragoneer, doubt it'll change their ignorant minds but it's worth a shot
7 years, 5 months ago
They seem to be driven by money so no use in talking to them.
7 years, 5 months ago
Considering I've been dealing with malicious, reletnless trolling on Shadbase's site (concerning "quasi-moralfags" who feel the need to hound Shad to stop making loli pics)... I fully get that....actually, no... I knew BEFORE the difference between a drawn character and a flesh and blood human being.
7 years, 5 months ago
A few people on FA have been arrested for "child pornography" which they drew or had, but it was drawn child pornography of fictional nature.

It was confirmed that this law was changed, and only effects real humans, pictures, and physical acts against a human child (or dog in your bestiality claims).

If you've seen Ern's stuff, you'll see that it's still fictional. child, cub, etc is the same as a fetish. It's developed over time just like scat or watersports, and you can't just -not- be into it. It was also confirmed that looking at fictional porn like this helps people into cub NOT act on their urges on REAL humans.

There's also a company in Japan that makes robots, child robots, that people with those urges can buy so they don't harm other REAL humans. People say "that's sick!" but you know what? It fucking works. It helps people sate their urges in a HEALTHY manner, and people need to realize that this is how this should be approached.

Sorry for the rant. I hate that I have so many taboo fetishes and have to hide them because people don't understand them.
7 years, 5 months ago
Ranting is good, nothing wrong with that at all.
7 years, 5 months ago
My theory on fantasy artwork crossing morals, it's not so much the art itself, rather the idea behind it. Myself, for example, I don't like rape, gore, or virtually anything on pain in a sexual fashion. It's not the art that bothers me, it's the idea that somebody wanted to show a character/person being destroyed, something I am not into. The "idea" is what people don't want to associate with, in this case being cub porn. People don't like that it is being made by somebody who accepts sex acts with children as normal, because that idea is the same for both an artist and a pedophile. The artist in question may not like real child pr0n, or he may be a child molester, nobody knows, but for some people it's just safer to toss them all in the same boat. But hey, that's just a theory... a game theory.

TL;DR: People don't like pedophiles drawing furry porn.

I like pudgy, chibi artwork, often that falls in the category of cub. I am not interested in the age or child aspects of those works. I wont like a piece if it's heavily portraying harm to a child, basically if the picture/comic has text and the writing is primarily about child rape. There are some rule34 things I like that are also underage (Example: young Nala, from The Lion King) but again, its not their age that I am attracted to, just their shape, it's hard to explain really. But if I see young Nala in a baby bib, diaper and sucking a pacifier, I'll pass.

TL;DR: I like cub art that doesn't emphasize age.
7 years, 5 months ago
Another problem I see is that it seems people "coincidentally" can't tell a flesh and blood human from a bunch of digitalized lines and colorwork, anymore... though I wonder why some crusader-douche would travel onto Shadbase at all to do this WITHOUT having some scummy ulterior motive.

Now, mind you, I DON'T condone or even approve the real thing, but a drawing is a safer way to substitute those urges, harmlessly: You CAN'T hurt a drawing.

7 years, 5 months ago
If they child in question is human or looks human, no matter if its real or now, should be off limits but the thing here is these cubs aren't human and this is why it should be treated as child porn, for the same reasons anthro isn't considered animal porn/abuse. This should be a healthy alternative to the actual act, assuming anyone wants to have sexual acts with human children.
7 years, 5 months ago
Personally, If you're against cubs AND you're a furry, you contradict your self. if one's bad, they're both bad.
7 years, 5 months ago
Furries seems to do a lot of things that are contradictory.
7 years, 5 months ago
I agree. It's fantasy. Law should be as cut and dry as possible, not open to subjectivity and confusion. If it doesn't involve actual human characters then it should be fine. Think of all the Romans Catholic art of baby-like cherubs with exposed genitalia. If we applied the same rules to them as people do to cub art, they'd have to be removed. It's nonsexual on the surface but In light of what we know of pedophilia in the church, it seems likely to me that this art had a dark side to it, but there it is,cherished because it's cute, holy, classical or whatever justification. I'm not into cub but I do like aviphillic stuff. I had to remove a piece from my mwff art show offerings because it looked like a human having sex with a bird (technically the bird was anthro but not real obvious... Where does one draw that line?). I agree that expression alone in private or with other consenting adults is a healthy way to go. It's how I and others satisfy our cravings to be or be with birds. The Japanese culture seems unashamed of the realities of human urges, allows it in art and products. And yet in many ways they practice higher moral standards and family values than our Puritanically derived morality system. I think it should boil down to "is it real?" If not, allow it.
7 years, 4 months ago
A bit late to comment I know, but I literally have not been on Inkbunny in over a month, lol.

While I agree that drawn art does not equate to actual child pornography (photos of real children, etc), there's too many lawmakers who don't understand the distinction, while some simply don't care and need something to scapegoat and further their political careers. It's from the same vein of people who blame violent video games for real world violence.

Where my opinion differs may piss some people off, but I do believe that having a fetish specifically for cub for example, *IS* the furry equivalent to pedophilia, since it is a fetish for characters of a specific age, human or furry. I personally do not judge anyone for this, nor do I think that drawing cub porn makes someone more likely to commit such a crime, but it really isn't hard to see how those outside the community draw these conclusions, especially with content such as loli.

I'm not here to argue, but that's my two cents.
7 years, 4 months ago
That is fine but all I want everyone to do is admit it to themselves as well. You're pretty much right though.
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