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Inactive account notice-- Find Virmir elsewhere

Sorry!  I will no longer be posting artwork to this account.  You can continue to find my art at the following sites:

http://www.furaffinity.net/user/virmir/ -- for people who hate Deviant Art
https://www.weasyl.com/~virmir -- for people who hate Fur Affinity
https://twitter.com/KendoVirmir -- for people who hate...  galleries or something

And of course, my primary sites:

http://virmir.com - The central hub of Virmirishness
http://art.by.virmir.com - My main art gallery
http://crimsonflagcomic.com - Webcomic
http://world.virmir.com - Side comic

Thanks for your support!
Viewed: 129 times
Added: 8 years, 3 months ago
8 years, 3 months ago
Very well then Virmir X3 and ^_^. I understand you well about what you said in your last and possibly final journal for Inkbunny since you'll be at your other locations while you move out of Inkbunny soon enough for sure X3 and ^=^, and also expect me to see you at your other online locations soon when I meet you there at one of them soon :3 and =3. Thanks for the heads up Virmir :D and =D, and I'll hopefully watch for you and see you at your other locations real soon :3 and ;3. Oh :o! And thanks for letting me watch and friend you here on Inkbunny as long as I could =3 and ;3.

8 years, 3 months ago
As weird as this sounds while i will follow you FA is primarily my arts commisssioned and fursuits only gets faved while everything else is here so for every submission you'll have one less fave from me :( why the sudden change of heart on IB?
8 years, 3 months ago
I actually don't quite agree with their policies on violence.

For a more extreme example, this image requires a tag for mild violence which means it gets labeled as "mature" http://art.by.virmir.com/art/hatchlings

This image requires a tag for strong violence, which means it gets labeled as "adult" http://art.by.virmir.com/art/giant_pokemon_assault_and...

I don't mind tagging things for violence at all, but I don't agree with these images and similar getting labeled "mature" or "adult" when they are comparable to what you might find in a children's cartoon show. Inkbunny staff has been quite helpful and friendly with my concerns and point out that their definition of mature and adult do not correspond with commonly held perceptions.  I would much prefer some other words used.

I have been posting here for six years because apparently a moderator has never noticed, ha ha.  I've been operating under the assumption that cartoon violence was okay.

I post on a lot of different websites and I don't get a whole lot of feedback here compared to others, so I could probably stand to cut back a little anyway, ha ha
8 years, 3 months ago
Funny i thought only porn gets labled adult... Thats hella weird and kinda dumb but i see where you're comin from. I do wish you the best on FA, DA and all other sites
8 years, 3 months ago
Done and done dear, see ya on FA.

8 years, 3 months ago
best of good luck to you !
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