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When you have literally HUNDREDS of free to see art

and people still manage to throw tantrums when once in a while I do something for people who support my career


get your entitled head out of your entitled ass and fuck off.
Viewed: 228 times
Added: 7 years, 8 months ago
7 years, 8 months ago
Silly jerks.
7 years, 8 months ago
Scrubs need to get a job.
7 years, 8 months ago
Give me everything for free!!! :(
7 years, 8 months ago
[gives u candy corn from my ass]
7 years, 8 months ago
Sounds... yummy?
7 years, 8 months ago
Saucy confirmed as pez dispenser?
7 years, 8 months ago
I like your stuff what ever people get freebies or commissions from you. I agreed with you that those who are whining about it needs to cut it out and accept that you do what you want to do. I will always respect your choices and you as an artist and person.
7 years, 8 months ago
pretty much yes!
♥ thanks for understanding!
7 years, 8 months ago
what's this drama about? :v
7 years, 8 months ago
someone is being sad bc they don't like paying for things they feel entitled to
7 years, 8 months ago
was it salt about something being patron exclusive?
7 years, 8 months ago
yep ;Y
7 years, 8 months ago
Well, it's a great way to get people to make more patron exclusive stuff. Maybe that was their secret plan all along!
7 years, 8 months ago
I know that feel... *hugs*
7 years, 8 months ago
That's just plain rude... perhaps it has to do with the fact that it's popular to hate on Patreon, but irrational hate is stupid.
7 years, 8 months ago
tbh I really don't understand the hate.
It's like... yeah, maybe some artists work behind paywall now. Maybe entirely behind paywall, but that's up to them. Yes, it can suck if you can't afford it. But in the end, the artist is the only one who gets to chose how they run their business!
7 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, me neither. If it works out for the artisis, then that's great, no need to get all pissy simply for not being able to see what's not intended for you since it's a reward for supporters.
7 years, 8 months ago
Yeah i see nothing wrong with Patreon. It's already hard enough for artists to make money with their hard work. What the heck is wrong with trying to do something to help that? It's not like they're required to pay for certain perks or art. Honestly I think Saucy should sort of see it as a compliment that people would get that bitchy and whiny for your art. People get THAT emotional for your work.~
7 years, 8 months ago
Y'know what? At least they have the opportunity to see the artwork that they see. Jeez. Insolent twits. >8(

I'd just tell 'em to shove their entitled heads deeper into their entitled asses and disappear into an endless void, an anal vortex, replete with ungrateful fuck-knuckled greedy goddam dweeb-wads like themselves. ;P

Besides! Patreon isn't the end of the freaking world. Goodness gracious! lol

So I read the, uh... unpleasantness. Evidently, somebody needs to disinfect the BULLSHIT from their TWAT asap. XD lmfao
7 years, 8 months ago
It's like giving a whole bowl of candy to someone and then they cry if you take one out of the bowl ;V

and that sounds pretty extreme
7 years, 8 months ago
Hey, what can I say? I'm an extreme writer of sorts. ;P lol

*sigh* just... brush 'em off and keep on doing what you do best, fellow artist. There's more support than spite among your fellow +watchers, I suspect! <3
7 years, 8 months ago
tbh I'm extra saltly right now ahah;;
I'll get over it I'm pretty sure
7 years, 8 months ago
That's how I like eating peanuts & cashews. XD

*pats your shoulder* That's the spirit! ;) Don't let one bad apple spoil the entire bushel. :3
7 years, 8 months ago
oh man I could totally go for some cashew right now
7 years, 8 months ago
You should draw cashews arguing at each other over the exact same idiocy that you had to face tonight. XD
Just as a way to vent out some of those excess frustrations. lol
Or not?
Sorry that had to happen to y'all. :/
7 years, 8 months ago
Saucy it's your art your correr do what you want I don't judge i see if I miss out on something do to paying patrions I'm fine they deserve it
7 years, 8 months ago
Thank you!
7 years, 8 months ago
Welcome *cuts off a large part of a cake saying haters gonna hate and gives you the H* can I offer you some we don't give a shot hatter cake
7 years, 8 months ago
Haters gonna hate. Some people just like areason to wine and moan and rant and rage and riot and plunder
7 years, 8 months ago
For me I don't like Patreon because I don't want to say I'll pledge x amount of dollars to y number of artists and something come up or I screw something up and I get the pledge reward but got a new card or whatever and accidentally screw someone out of some money, I read some artists said people would get the pledge reward than pull their pledge and they couldn't do anything about it.  That said if an artist wants to do patreon or paid exclusive art or have people wait to see it here or pay to see it there early I have no problem with that, I don't like when artists do pure paywall because I don't like setting a certain amount aside each month and getting scatterbrained, but I try to do donations and commissions and all that every now and then so I don't feel like a mooch.  But it's your art so do what you feel is best and screw those who want everything for nothing.
7 years, 8 months ago
And that's a totally fair reason c:
7 years, 8 months ago
I will ask though, do you do a thing for individual pictures, like if I saw a patreon exclusive but just wanted to see that drawing a one time payment of a dollar or something?
7 years, 8 months ago
o: I do monthly donations thing.
So I guess it would be totally possible to just pledge for one month, and access everything for that month, and remove the pledge the next month!
7 years, 8 months ago
Ah gotcha thanks, and as for the banned comment I think that's idiotic of him to say that
7 years, 8 months ago
no problem!
At this point I thought it was more ridiculous than anything, I'll be honest :P
7 years, 8 months ago
That's fucked up. It's your patreon, you publish free art, what's wrong with having art put aside for those who pay? JFC, I swear artists get no respect, no respect at all. =(
7 years, 8 months ago
apparently, doing that should get me banned from here, in the eyes of some.
7 years, 8 months ago
Well fuck them! You gotta make money like everyone else. =/
7 years, 8 months ago
Because if someone whines loud enough, you'll obviously break down and give them free stuff!

... Duh!
7 years, 8 months ago
Like others, I dislike patreon.  So far it seems to be a long-term negative impact on the artist and customers.
7 years, 8 months ago
Not sure how a stable income through supporters is a long-term negative impact.

As for the negative impact on customers, that's entirely up to the artist. When people open commissions their commissioned work becomes a service. The same goes for patreon, but it also depends on what they're using it for. Not all patreons are managed the same way, and while some may charge monthly in request for support to continue their hobbies, others may be using it to fund a long term project. Ultimately, it's up to the artist to treat their customers with respect and care in the service they provide, and if they choose not to it's up to customers to learn when to not support someone or something they don't like. (egads! What a wild concept!)

Either way It's not bad for customers when that artist does something a little special for their direct supporters in their own unique channels. It's really no different than an artist doing extra gift work for commissioners who give them the most support, or commissioners who want to keep their requests private.

People who complain about not getting to see art are often super anal collectors who don't realize that art isn't exactly a trading card collection; You don't get to see everything unless you're everywhere and directly supporting the artist as a fan, and even then, if an artist just decides they don't want to post something, one may never see that picture or know it exists. People just have to accept that. It's life.
7 years, 8 months ago
perfectly made, more furries need to realize if they dont like the way an artist runs their patreon then don't buy in and just except what you can get. If the community really doesn't like it then likely they will change it, hopefully by asking what people would like.
I'd love to see more artists run their patreon via timed exclusives, high rez files, and WiPs as I see nothing that can be complained about, and thats the kind of artists i plan to support when i have a stable income. but im not going to trash talk an artist for how they run their own, and will leave them well enough be unless they ask for such opinions
7 years, 7 months ago
Except it really isn't stable.  Most of the artists I know end up burned out on patreon rewards, fail to meet their goals, losing customers bit by bit.  Even worse, a huge number of people pledge then pull out at the last minute, tricking the artist and netting a lot of free stuff.

It really is a terrible replacement for traditional payment methods and donations, and harbors a culture of bait-and-switch tactics and theft.
7 years, 7 months ago
Burn out is an issue that all artists face when taking on any kind of commission work. I suffered from it myself when I first opened even simple ones, and patron wasn't involved at all. It's unfortunately up to the artist to find their comfort zone so they don't burn out, and they have to do that long before even opening a Patreon.

As for schemers, they will always exist anywhere. I don't know if you've heard of people who force refunds on PayPal after receiving art, but that's a thing as well. There will always be more honest people than switchers, however. Other wise Patreon wouldn't be in business today.
7 years, 7 months ago
Right, but those points all ignore the frequency of occurrence, which is what is of issue to discuss here.
7 years, 7 months ago
Somewhat, yes. But Saucy is not necessarily having these issues...
7 years, 7 months ago
That's only one example though, if true, and terribly non-representative of the norm.  I'm sure you understand that.
7 years, 7 months ago
As a person who watches and supports many various patreon campaigns, I think we see different "norms." The norm I see is stability, with a bit of falloff here and there as people may not have the funds one month, but come back to support as long as the content is still coming.

Have you watched or supported  patreon campaigns  that suggested otherwise?
7 years, 7 months ago
Numerous.  Of the 17 or so I started to support, only 5 even remain, of which only 4 are active (Gregtech, Ultraviolet, Gateways of Reality, and an artist I removed for other reasons).  People tend to see only what they want to see that supports their position, it's a common cognitive bias.
7 years, 7 months ago
I see, well, rather than looking at the number of failures I rather observe what makes failures or successful campaigns... It helps that, Of the 18 I supported, 13 still remain and are active. Of the ones that have fallen off, 2 were because of artists being overwhelmed, the rest were due to project completion and other reasons.

Half of the ones I support are ongoing productions (Limit Break Radio podcast, the Jimquisition, etc.) that follow a model that release free content and are just accepting support. You know, actual patronage. The rest follow a similar model and either eventually release their work to the public or do so immediately because they're providing their art as a service or a production as well.

All of the ones I have supported that went down due to artists being overwhelmed were artists who use the site as an exclusive art gallery. And that has told me that success on Patreon depends on your ability to manage a production schedule or project. .... AKA work it like a job of some kind, being professional about it or at least being consistent; Something that some artists simply aren't ready for in the slightest.

I believe this is because not all artists have the same perspective or approach to how they make their art. Heck, I know I'm certainly not ready to take on a regular production; I don't even have a central focus or story. Art is different for everyone, both on the creation and the enjoyment ends, and not all artists are ready to produce a steady stream of content from their galleries; least of all artists who only draw on commission.

But, for artists who want to maintain working on their comics, or build a growing portfolio of work, or maintain a website filled with art, or continue their own personal worlds, it's fine. Self motivation and a strong focus are the keys to maintaining a productive, active, and successful Patreon campaign.
7 years, 7 months ago
I find that time eventually overcomes that gumption, though.  Cheat someone enough times and demand more, expect more, enough times-  they'll burn out or get sick of it.
People seem to just want Patreon to work so badly as a steady income and second-job type of setup that they let themselves get railroaded quite badly before they realize they're half a state away from it being worth the effort put in.

I don't support devaluing artists' time and work to adhere to a mass-manufacturing style of production.
7 years, 7 months ago
I don't consider being paid to continue making my work as a form of "devaluation," but I suppose that's more an opinion thing.

As it stands there, I feel it's more up to the artist and their goals, projects and work preferences than it being an absolute constant. If so many others can do it, then there must be some way, even if it's not everyone's cup of tea. It's certainly not mine... As for Sauce-stuffs, we can only wait and see~
7 years, 8 months ago
Ok i read though the crap that happened, while i may agree with the point he eventually made (doing timed exclusives so everyone can eventually enjoy it) he didnt even make the point for half an hour, he just opened up bashing patreon, then bashing you and those that support your patreon.
7 years, 8 months ago
They are just jealous that none of the free art they do have even compares to yours.
7 years, 8 months ago
People gonna... peop... le...?

I dunno man. :U Also, you're releasing the stuff after a delay, with a mild watermark, right? I... don't see the issue. I seriously don't. I know of artists (won't mention any names) who have stuff from years ago that you can only get via torrent or certain galleries because their stuff was a timed exclusive, physically limited exclusive, or similar.
7 years, 8 months ago
I agree with you 100% We are not entitled to see your work. Anything that you post free, is a privilege, not a right.
7 years, 8 months ago
Not really a fan of Patreon myself. but It's your art, and your decision on what you're gonna do with it.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a thread on lulz right now demanding for a rip of your Patreon. I probably won't be a Patron because simply: I'm usually broke or up to my neck in bills, so I'm SOoL. Regardless, Your art is cool as heck, and whatever I get to see, I'm happy with.

Also, whoever is throwing a shitfit about your art needs a shot of battery acid to his balls...
7 years, 7 months ago
Do your thing Saucy. Don't worry about them. ^^
7 years, 7 months ago
I like free art as much as the next scrub, but I absolutely hate it when artists post a censored version and say "pay for uncensored".  

Totally makes me unfollow you, no matter how quality and/or free you are.  Advertise on your uncensored free art and don't be a dick.
7 years, 7 months ago
Do you understand the purpose of advertising....?
7 years, 7 months ago
Apparently ... to be a dick?  
7 years, 7 months ago
Wow never knew that any business that tries to promote itself through advertising was actually being a dick and that they should all only have free stuff available!
Going to make my next trip to the restaurant/movies/store/any place I've ever seen an ad for much easier!
7 years, 7 months ago
Now see (I don't know if you actually run a Patreon and are referring to it), that's the thing I don't have an issue with Patreon or similar "supporter exclusive" things. It doesn't even need to be a majority of your content that's free to view, there's no problem with having *some* incentive for folks to donate/sub because I know not everyone's like me and would just toss money to an artist for no reason other than support if they have it (if *I* had money I would, as it stands, I don't).

Assuming I guessed wrong though and it's not about Patreon...regardless, yeah, there's no harm in offering something as a thanks to the folks who support you. Especially when you already put up a large sum of content that anyone can just scroll through, there is such thing as entitlement amongst the viewerbase.
7 years, 7 months ago
you can please most of the people most of the time and tell the rest to go fuck off...
7 years, 7 months ago
omg liek dont even start dat sheet i need yo free arts noaw or ima get my momma after you! XD LOL
honestly i dont get people like that either, its your art, NOT theres, if there 'entitled' then they are entitled to a pencil and paper, and entitled to grow some balls and practice and draw there own free shit. XD lol
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