Well, just wanted to say that I'm running with a little problem,
First of all, bank decided to close down all side accounts out of nowhere, leaving only the ones who have income. This means my family can't send me any more money. Leaving me without cash. Weee~
Now, I got my stove changed, because the previous one was to dangerous to keep. Supposedly, the real-state was in charge to cover the expenses for this. But sin the last moment, they tell both me and the uhhh gas-fixer-person, that they don't have money for that, that I should pay it with my money (only way to pay ist its with cash) and will discount it from me on the next month.... Leaving me with absolutely no money in cash.
So yeah, thought I should let you know this, since now im worse than ever, and that I might not be in a great mood...
Harry out.
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8 years, 5 months ago
06 Oct 2016 23:38 CEST