First off I would like to start with a big thank you to my current watchers. You guys keep me motivated, even if I don't get much comments. Just knowing you enjoy my work makes it all worthwhile.
Recently I have started a Patreon. And by recently I mean about 30 minutes ago. I have done this to further motivate me to post more work, and hopefully to help me with my rent and whatnot. As a few of you know, I am having a very hard time finding a job for me to properly function at. I have a bad neck, and extremely bad Anxiety. It's hard for me to talk to people I don't know in real life, to say the least. This has made it rather hard for me to make a living, but I get by somewhat with major help from wonderful friends. But this makes me feel really bad, so now I am trying to push out more work for people to see! Why? Because I wish to do commissions so that I can pay for my own stuff!
So now, I have a goal to put out at least One piece of work per week. HOPEFULLY more than this! But I take a long time as is to make some pieces of work. If I can post more art, then I will actually have a nice ammount of examples to have up for commissions. Not only this, but it will help me work on my art as a whole. I wish to get better so that I can create pieces that the community will enjoy more. I encourage constructive critique on my work, if you have things to say that can help me then please do! That being said, I would appreciate if there is some positive to the negative in the critiques. ^ ^;
I also would like to state, that since I wish to get Commissions started as soon as I can, that I may need some help with my pricing. Anyone who has experience with this, please send me a Note! I have some idea as to what I believe my art to be worth based on people with a similar style and ability, but it is always worth checking with some people who've been in the Commission game for years!
♥ Patreon ♥
My Patreon was made to help motivate me to draw more; but Patreon's WILL have some perks! Not only will they be able to see work in progresses of things that either get scrapped, cancelled, or even finished; but I will draw one request at random from a random Patreon should they PM me with the request [Chosen at the end of the month. I will prolly use a RNG thing for this so that things are not unfair to anyone!] This is not to encourage people to sub to me, but to help me grow as an artist. I might wind up doing the 'Monthly Raffle' for non Patreon's also. Most likely. For both Raffles, however, I am going to require 10 participants for it to be worthwhile. We will see when it all comes!
Patreon Benefits
WIPs, Scrapped and cancelled pieces Monthly 'Raffle' Nude art pieces that may be made [Anything past this will be on a TMBLR page most likely] Link to said Tmblr