Looking for new characters to learn to draw. If you have suggestions or favorite characters feel free to leave a comment or send me a PM or something. I'll still eventually come back yordles and things probably because they're pretty fun to draw, but I wanted to do some other things too. No promises I'll post them because the failure rate for new characters is very high - even if my standards are pretty low.
Just I'm not looking for people's own characters yet because I don't think I'd do a good enough job on them to feel comfortable posting, I feel less bad about learning with r34 characters. Otherwise I would have asked people to draw their characters already.
Things I have on my mind to draw or try again.
Guilmon (Digimons) <-- probably after next
Flammie (Secret of Mana) <-- probably next
Gremlin (Spiral Knight)
Kobold (general fantasy, I just think they can be cute)
The old Rabbit King ("The Boy and the Beast") <-- I sketched it... I lost it somewhere in my media folder
Yooka (Yooka Laylee)
Nargacuga (Monster Hunter)
It takes about a week from sketch to color for me in terms of throughput, maybe longer now with my current amount of work. Also sometimes video games get in the way - gotta complete all the quests in monster hunter... and get ranked in Overwatch... and rank up in league... and Destiny 2 is coming out soon...
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8 years, 6 months ago
03 Sep 2016 06:49 CEST