Yes! I am actually still alive. I've just been very....VERY inactive. So why is that? There are a few reasons, but the main one is that I've been questioning my art and whether or not I'm actually any good lol Now I know my art is ok, not great but not shite. But I really dont think my art is good enough to charge commissions for it. So once I've finished the things I owe, I'll be "retiring" from commissions. I've always felt that when I've had the pressure of a commission effecting my art it honestly takes away the joy. It's weird, I know. That doesn't mean I'll be stopping my art, but I just wont be charging for it anymore. I'll be trying to get back into the swing of things soon and get everything finished. I know there's people who has been extremely patient with me, and for those I wholeheartedly thank you. You WILL get what your owed, that I promise you!
So! What else has been happening in my life other than my absence from here? I've been working hard to be honest lol. Things have just been up and down, but not in the way where things have been BAD bad. Just tiring and such. Like Wednesday night I got a call from my boyfriend telling me that one of our Degu's was GIVING BIRTH! Whats even weirder is that we thought we had three BOYS! So yeah, that was a very interesting night XD. I promise you guys that I'll be getting back into things. I haven't left the fandom and I dont plane on it. So there's no worries there! I may not be active on sites like this much, but I'm always on Twitter ( so feel free to follow me there!
Also it's my BIRTHDAY on Tuesday! :D I'll be 31 though! I'm getting old TT_TT I'm also planning to do a Birthday gaming stream, so keep an eye for those details, peeps! Anywho, I'm almost finished at work...yeah, writing this at work XD I best do the few jobs I need to finish before the day staff turn up. Peace!
But yeah, I honestly think you could still charge for commissions, man. Don't sell yourself short, just keep going so you can keep improving. However, I will respect your decision if you really don't want to charge for your work.
Anyway, happy birthday, dude~
Bitch I'm 34, you're still young. XD But yeah, I honestly think you could still charge for commissi
I've been taking a sort of break as well, more so I'm focusing on 'real life' which leaves me very little time for furry stuff. Perhaps your priorities are affecting you in the same way.
Commissions can be done at any time, as long as people know what they're paying for, but the problem is that if you get no offers it really makes you question your ability. What's usually actually happening is a popularity contest; furs get art from popular artists because they're trendy and to get more publicity.
Feels like part of being furry is getting a large follower/watch count which turns people into the furry version of a politician. I've certainly given up on that seeing how there's little rhyme or reason to who becomes popular and who doesn't; I've seen so many obviously talented artists get little to no attention, furs don't care as much about ability as they claim as they tend to gravitate to the infamous and provocateurs.
In any case, I hope real-life things continue to be good and/or get better. Take care of yourself, bun, and happy birthday! =) Hopefully someday I'll get myself out of this rut and make people giftart like I've been wanting to do.
I've been taking a sort of break as well, more so I'm focusing on 'real life' which leaves me very l