I'm rather light to the bunch on this one. But figured I'd do it. Stole it from Nelson88s profile, hope you dont mind. Was to tempted sense I love video games.
1. Do you play video games? Yeppers!!!!
2. Favorite type of game(s)? RPG, RTS, FPS, Action Adventure, Action, racing and pretty much any video.
3. How long have you been playing video games? Sense I was six years old when I got my first console the SNES. So a total of 22 years or so.
4. What originally got you into gaming? Wen't over to my brothers house back when I was six year old he had a N64 with 007 golden-eye. Fell in love with it. Parents bought me my SNES for my birthday the fellowing year with Super Mario All Stars, fell in love with that game too,
5. Favorite video game tropes? Honestly can't think of one. Hero saves the day i guess? I love all games to much to really pick a favorite story cliche.
6. Least favorite video game tropes? Poorly created and designed game mechanics that for a company on you.
7. Favorite childhood video game(s)? Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario Word, Tomb Raider 3, Sypro the Dragon, 007-Glendeye, Perfect Dark. This list can go on for ever.
8. Favorite game(s) of all time (so far)? Tomb Raider (Original series, Which I think Revelations was the best) Perfect Dark, Banjo-kazooie, Starcraft and Warcraft, knights of the Old Repulic (None online version) This list can also go on forever.
9. What game(s) do you most wish had a sequel or continuation? Age of Mythology needs a sequel and Perfect Dark needs to be continued but with better quality.
10. What game were you hyped for, but it didn’t deliver? Starcraft 2 heart of the Swarm Expansion
11. What game were you hyped for and it did deliver? Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty
12. Do you have a favorite video game company?
Nintento, Blizzard, Bioware. To name a few.
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8 years, 7 months ago
21 Jul 2016 21:45 CEST