...Worrell. So, as unfortunately I'm sure very little of you know, Bernie Worrell (Of P-Funk/Talking Heads/a lot of other things) died recently. There was very little media coverage, which is sad, because the man was a legend and a genius, and I personally blame him for me getting into all of my synthesizer stuff, specifically the Moogs. I will say this. If you like any music with a synthesized bass (electronic, electrofunk, hip-hop, and even early video game music among others), you have him to thank, because none of that could have existed without his Minimoog bass line in Flashlight:
I could go on and on about how awesome Bernie Worrell was, and how much he's influenced me (aside from my spending thousands of dollars on Moog synthesizers for my weird music, a good chunk of my art that you might love or hate was drawn under the influence of his transcendent funkiness, and once my fursuit is finished you can expect to see me funking around cons with this stuff playing to combat the epidemic of obnoxious furry dance music at these things...), I'll just post a few songs with him in it, because the world needs the funk now more than ever.
And I'll end this one with Bernie Worrell, Rick Wakeman from Yes, and Boob Moog talking about the sexual/mystical aspects of playing a (Moog) synthesizer. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlOSWaLUBXI
RIP Bernie, you were a god among men... <3
(I'll bet you thought this journal was about something else ;3)