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Furvilla game

Hello there those are my 1st impression of the Furvilla game, after I just played fo some time.

Well and honestly after 30min I've created the account the game seems another moneygrubber like Dofus or TESO. Fun and free, having a small pack of stuff at the start, all and everything for paying after the beta testing or when you have to do some upgrades with absurdes costs for potions and all of th eother stuffs...

As the same of Dofus, who I played for 4 years before get tired of all the costs, even the possibility to pays with Ogrin, another trick for make ppl lose real cash as the same FurDollars on Furvilla.

Different to Dofus. Furvilla have really long times, lesser playability and really looong times for the careers. As animal husbandry, took 30mins!! for get one animal and get "failed to collect" at the end.... and you need obviously two animals for doing something...

And as warrior 1st fight against a cerberus my char loss 14 of 20hp on one hit... and after 20mins haven't recovered thr full hp's yet...

The idea of a furry game was funny indeed, pretty graphics, boring game. And as Dofus or TESO you waste lots of REAL money for sets and optionals as everything optionals is for pays. So at this point I still prefer Skyrim or at least SL, where you put anyways real money, but at least you create everything you wants and can use every items you bought for every avatars or accounts you can have.

1) If I had to wait 30mins for do every actions for every career, well I prefer to waste my time on other ways like playng SL or Skyrim or a card game or restart to plays Dofus.

2) If I had to pay for everything and every optionals like TESO I waste my money on IRL as bills and taxes aren't enough for stealing my money.

3) If I have to wait 30mis for hp recover, of waiting for any kind of career action and then get a failure too.. as I says is a incredible waste of time!

Conclusions and of cousre those can be my personal opinions and NOT a judgment of the game or for the game makers of course or for anyone who want to plays/try it.

Maybe the game after become better and improve thru updates as the same of Dofus, who was fun to plays, but at least was stressing and really costly before you can pays with Ogrin/Kamas, special as like me you can have 4 or more chars, to make sets and xp.

Dofus was enough "quicker" on the jobs exp, at least is faster on gathering resources, but really stressing for xp the pg's and make their sets, special for make the 200lvl, which need all the xp made for 199lvls just for make one.... On Furvilla if I had to wait 30 RL minutes for catch a prey, exploring or recover hp.. well that's (maybe on me) all the possible fun and interests to plays anymore.

Know the fact, anyone can make and give nothing for nothing of course, it just seems another endles "moneypot game", like I says Dofus, TESO and even SL. Indeed as RL, for have things and money and skills you have to works so on the games you had to plays them for get results, but as my personal decisions, experiences and taste, the game itself not worth the "candle", but anyways I not mean to anyone to try it.

Is just a mine 1st impression, for the gameplay and the game itself. Maybe it improve better with the time, maybe as I have already a account on it, I can play it more as I have try jus two careers and have just played it for one hour atm. Anyways I not pays and waste money anymore on online games.

After hear some others friends playing TESO I decided to not even buy or plays it. All the additionals set and everything cost you money. Dofus I quitted it because was to much stressing and I make tooo much 5/6 of morning at day for playing it, and the cost of subscriptions was too high for 4 accounts despite I was paying with kamas/ogrin so cost me nothing of RL cash. Second Life I plays sometimes on when I are on moods, but at least I spent money only when I want to update avatars and stuff, investing small amounts of RL money, so can be fine.

Anyways who is interested on it can looks there. --> https://inkbunny.net/journalview.php?id=237465

and my Furvilla char --> http://www.furvilla.com/profile/63100
Viewed: 12 times
Added: 7 years, 11 months ago
7 years, 10 months ago
it looks like is nice.
7 years, 10 months ago
Yep the game itslef aren't bad. As I have played more on those wees, not seems that bad as I have posted my comments here. Indeed jobs and creation needs lot of times to be increased and make items, but as ex Herbalist or Animal Husbandry you have more places to make animals and herbs, also you can add more pot or stables for raise the places for the seeds/animals you have.

The bad is on Alchemist/Blacksmith where you can make only one item at time, and need lots of resources to be created. Anyways you can add more villagers (your chars) as you can buy/craft houses and assign multiples job (but you can use only one at time and change profession after 1 hour).

So the game is not that's bad as I thinked at start. Maybe they can improve it with the time. But had to see after the Beta-Testing version if the game become a "pay one" as Dofus, and this "testing" is just to alluring ppl and for make them pay anything "optionals" and let you play/join free with really too much limitations if you haven't a pay account.

We can see, for now I still are playing it, so if want to try it my chars are here --> http://www.furvilla.com/profile/63100 and I have a blacksmith, alchemist, herbalist, animal husbandry and construction worker as career on my chars. :P
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