So.. my last journal had most of the details in there with what's going on, but now I've come to realize things are MUCH worse.. ._.; What is it with life, does it like takin' a shit on me? <_<; Anyways..
The family is officially considered broke for a few facts:
-We have no food
-We have no money
-The car is running on fumes
-The cable was cut just close to a month ago, and has doubled in price from $179.84 to $298.77
-My step-sister is being sent to a mental health housing facility by her, and her doctors, decision due to... reasons I shan't explain
-My mother may be needing spinal surgery for her bone disease in her neck and upper and lower back
-I'm starting Chemo on Monday for my crohn's disease, called Remicade. Now while some people know what it is and relatively know it's safe, in my circumstances, it's a lot more dangerous to take now due to having tried multiple chemo type medications over the year... In simpler terms? I have a risk of developing aggressive lymphoma..
-With the cable cut, my chances of obtaining money to continue paying rent is completely severed, meaning there's a possibility my parents may grow agitated and want me out of the house.
-The medical insurance company is resetting our yearly cap once the 1st of January hits, meaning all medical treatments and medications will cease not only for me, but my entire family as well..
-The electric bills are now starting to rise up and prove difficult to handle each paycheck from my step-dad, so the power may be cut soon as well if we can't keep up the payments.
To top all of this off? It's all happening just before Christmas... meaning that the festive holiday everybody has grown to deeming where you give gifts to make others happy, will not be happening here. The true meaning of Christmas, in my eyes, is being thankful we've got one another, but even in this household, I'm not sure how much longer that'll be...
I really hate to ask it right now, especially during this time of year, but if anybody could find it in their heart to help a guy and his family out, please send any donations to my paypal.. I'll be listing it at the bottom of the journal. My goal right now is to raise a total of $600 so I can square away the electric, food, gas, and medical problems for now.. but I'm not entirely sure if this will work or not. Any amount is appreciated, even if it's one dollar, any amount helps.. so please, my Christmas wish is this. Please help my family. :/
This is not a sob story to just get money as well, as easily confused that can be made from a story like this, but in reality, it's all true.. I hate having to ask, and I hate being too ill to do anything to help my family myself. >_<
Paypal address is:
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13 years, 3 months ago
10 Dec 2011 04:05 CET