recently thing haven't been so great to me, haven't been posting much, ive been sketching more, though primarily i have lost my dog, my best friend a really great friend who always was at my side, we have had him for 7 years and he has lived a good life.
His name was buddy. age 14 or somewhere around there, we was getting old, old to the point he couldn't stand anymore or walk.
I didn't really understand what was wrong, but they told me he couldn't want and were going to put him down and i just sat there after hearing what they were going to do, before that no one was able to pick him up due to how heavy he was and I was the only one who had able to pick him up taking him to the car bidding him farewell in tears.
Its not easy having one of the best dogs be put down because of how they couldn't walk, its not easy to just forget about all the memories we shared,i sit here just trying to move on but i can't and so thats why i can't been posting for awhile,but recently we have gotten a new dog or rescued one, though its not the same, im sure in time i will grow fond of this one, though i just thought of giving a update and what i have been going through.
thank you all for reading this and hearing what i had to say.
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8 years, 9 months ago
09 Jun 2016 08:17 CEST