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Commission Prices and terms!

Thecapedmanlloyd’s 2016 Commission Prices

As per usual, I have decided to raise the prices of my commissions a little since drawing commissions not take a lot more time so I can provide higher quality art. I’m also making the shift to making art full time so I can pay bills.


What I’m offering

Sketches: 5 USD

If you want a sketch, I’ll do it. The way I make my sketches is quite messy but some people like these so I’ll offer it. I’ll try to clean the sketch up a bit but they pretty much serve as a visual for the line art. I reserve the right to charge more for additional characters.

Inked: 15 USD Single Character, +5 for each other character

15 USD will be the flat rate for all non-complex commissions and any extra character will be 5 bucks more. I’ll provide a sketch of what you wanted.

Flat Color: 20 USD Single Character, +7 for each other character

20 USD will be the flat rate for all non-complex commissions and any extra character will be 7 bucks more. I’ll provide a sketch of what you wanted.

Shaded: 30 USD Single Character, +10 for each other character

30 USD will be the flat rate for all non-complex commissions and any extra character will be 10 bucks more. I’ll provide a sketch of what you wanted. You’ll get a fully shaded drawing.

Flash Animations

There isn’t a base here as I’ll tackle these on a case by case bases. These won’t be cheap.


For Backgrounds

I don’t want to have a flat rate for the, because they can be quite complex to make so I want to make them on a case by case bases. If I do add anything to the art, it will more than likely be a basic color background, though it will be completely up to me. Backgrounds will more than likely have their own rates. Be descriptive about what you want and provide references.

What Fetishes will I draw?

I’m open to any of them as long as I can draw them. I’ll let you know if I can’t do something. I also won’t charge more for fetishes I don’t normally draw since this kind of defeats the purpose of the commission. A HUGE pet peeve of mine is when an artist will charge you more for, say scat, when they will draw every other fetish at no additional cost. It seems very dishonest to me that artist take advantage of people like this THOUGH I may charge more for more complex things.

My complexity rule

If you want me to draw your overly complex character, Pokemon, Digimon, <any other complex character here>, I will charge more for it. My commission prices are very modest and I rather not spend days drawing and coloring very complex characters. Things like patterns on the characters, very technical designs and other things. Things I consider complex are as follows;

• Dragons
• Dinosaurs
• Some Legendary Pokemon like Xerneas, Reshiram, the Sun and Moon legendaries
• Some Pokemon like Metagross
• Most Digimon over Rookie
• Mech-like things
• Everything from Monster Hunter…

You get the idea. I reserve the right to say what I consider complex. I’ll try to be fair with this as possible. Clearly not all dragons and dinosaur are as complex as other designs but just be warned when commissioning these kind of characters.

My rule on Fursonas and OCs
A general rule of thumb for me is to not draw and sonas or OCs but I’m lifting this rule. There is one thing I feel I should say here… I DRAW POKEMON. I always have and always will. That’s what I’m known for. I’m not known for drawing your character or the characters of others. When asking me to draw your character, do know I have little experience with that, because I draw Pokemon BUT I will try to draw your character. Do know I’ll do my best with this as always. I will provides sketches of this so I can see if I’m on the right track but do know you may experience far less issues if you commission something off the PokeDex.

What I will and will not draw:

Like I said above, I won’t draw things that aren’t within my ability to draw or what would be too time consuming versus what I’m getting paid. Pretty much the only thing I won’t draw are things considered hateful. I’m drawing porn in most cases so I assume this won’t be an issue but you never know though I reserve the right to refuse what I don’t want to draw.

As long as it’s not hateful, it should be fair game. Oh! I almost forgot about this one. NO SONIC CHARACTERS! This one is a personal preference. No OCs, nothing in the Sonic style.

My policy on refunds. PLEASE READ!

I AM NOT A STORE! This needs to be said. Drawing your artwork cost me time and I will keep any money based on that alone. Unless I completely fucked up your commission (i.e. completely did the wrong thing, image quality isn’t great, something happened in production like file corruption, other things that isn’t ideal), then I will issue a refund.

This shouldn’t be an issue since I will show you a sketch first BEFORE I accept any money and or start the line art for it. Once you finalize the sketch, I will consider it ready to go. At this point, I will take the money and start the actual work. Be sure to make sure any corrections that need to be made are told to me so I can add them and fix any issues so the work is easier to do.

Policy on revisions/corrections and different versions

Like most other artist, once we start the work (getting things like color and other details in), it will be almost impossible to fix anything without completely destroying it. (It is possible, just very time consuming) If anything like this must be done, especially after you finalized it, I may charge you for the extra work, which will also be based on the how complex the change is and how much of the work must be changed. Please be mindful of this as this will save both me and you time. Also remember that other people are also waiting on their art.

If you want different versions of your art, PLEASE let me know early so I can setup the file for this. This will make things like layer management important for me so I can make sure each part has its own layer. I may charge more for extra versions depending on what is being asked for since they do take more time.

How to make a commission and make it Paypal safe

If you have to have a description on PayPal, just put something ‘Payment for artwork commission’ or anything related to that should be fine. There has been issues with other artist in the past with PayPal because of their questionable policy on using their service for adult related thing so in order to protect myself, I feel the need to tell you what NOT to put in the description of what the payment is for. Do not put anything like ‘My gay Wolf character sticking his large 16 inch rainbow colored dick in my boyfriend’s ass while he sucks my friend’s dragon’s 24 inch dick’ DON’T DO THAT! Don’t let your penis do the talking there. Do that in a note or PM. Just simply say ‘Payment for a commission’ and leave it at that if you must leave a comment or note on PayPal.

What I expect from you

When making your request, please provide ALL information I will need. Tell me everything you want in the picture and how you want it. I’m not a mind reader and I rather not play guessing games. If you want to give me artistic freedom and want to see what I can do, then that too is fine.

Please provide all materials I will need. Send me all of your character references so I have them and if there’s a pose you would like to see, please give me references of the pose so I can make what you want looks like. I don’t work from text files with your character so I expect something drawn. If at all possible, please make sure all your references are of decent quality as they make it very easy to work with. If you don’t have one, I’ll do my best to work with what you have. If you don’t have any of these things, it may be best for you to just pick a Pokemon, since they tend to be easy for me to do.

My right as the artist and your rights as the commissioner

I reserve the right to refuse any commission I’m not comfortable with drawing. Chances are I won’t refuse to draw anything. I also reserve the right to upload or keep art offline, though you can upload it if you want. I’ll let you know if you can’t upload something.

When you commission me for adult art, you’re telling me that you are at least 18 years old. By law I have to refuse adult content to you if I find out that you are under the age of 18.
You can use the art for whatever you want and there aren’t any other rules there. You paid for it so it’s yours. No DRM or any of that other shit here.

You also have the right to remain completely anonymous if you wish! If you don’t want your art uploaded, let me know and I will keep it offline. I will always ask before posting if I can reach you. I will also not link back to your accounts so you can maintain your privacy! I know a lot of my fans don’t want to say they are into scat and I will respect that!

Other information

- Give me your character references!
Always be sure to give me references of your character. Don’t assume that I have them because in most cases, I don’t!
- The pose you would like
If you are looking for a specific pose, please provide me a reference of it. I want to make it right for you!
- Accessories and other items
Be sure to keep all items on the character(s) you want limited. Something like 2 items. Anything over 2 I may charge more for. This is also based on complexity too.
- Backgrounds and settings
Keep them simple if you want to keep the price down. I’m don’t really draw backgrounds so I’ll let you know if something can’t be done.


Can I ask for alternates?

Sure you can! I may charge more for them depending on complexity. Be sure to let me know this beforehand so I can set the file up for it!

How long will it take me to get my art?

To be honest, that all depends. I try to make my turnaround time anywhere from 3 to 7 days from the time I get the commission. You may get it sooner or later. Life does happen sometimes and it can slow it down. I do work on other projects that take my time as well and this may affect how long it takes to make your art. Also it may take longer to get the longer the list I have to get don’t for commissions. I do have a time I sit down and draw so I’ll do my best to get as much done in that time as I can!

Can I post my commission where I like?

Sure you can. It’s your art so you can post it wherever you want! Sometimes I may want you to keep it offline and you should do just that. I almost always keep commissioners from post any flash animations I make for them.

Will you help me design a character and or make a ref sheet?

No, that is something I have little interest in doing. Anytime I spend designing characters will be done for personal projects I’m working on because they take so much time to make right. Ref sheets are also very time consuming to make. I would much rather you have everything in place for the commission so I can make the art you want.

What are you comfortable with drawing?
For me, just about anything is fine. If something is too complex, I may charge more for it, just for my time but everything should be fair game. Cubs is sexual situations does cross that line of things that make me uncomfortable to me but since it’s not real, I may do it just from an artistic freedom point of view but something like human babies far crosses that line for me and is something I consider close to home for me so I would want to avoid at all cost.

Asking me to draw realistic art is something I don’t want to do because I draw anime and drawing more realistic takes a lot of time. If you insist on getting something like that Flygon picture I drew a while back, it won’t be cheap. For the most part, I’m only drawing what’s being offered above. I also won’t be drawing Sonic characters or OCs.

Will you work with me if I don’t have the full amount you’re asking for?

I’m going to be super selective about this. I need to make money so I can pay bills so it’s not really good for me to give deals, since it affects how I pay my bills. Almost in all cases I won’t do any deals but I don’t like turning down money, though you may be better at choosing a lower option. Pretty much friends are the only ones I’d even consider doing this for.

Can I ask for previews of the art?

Sure, you can if you want but don’t be too liberal about this. It takes time to generate previews and I (as well as other artist) don’t want to make them like every few minute. I’ll make them but please don’t ask for them all the time.
Viewed: 73 times
Added: 8 years ago
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