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well!... i guess my FA account is closed for good :T

Not because i got banned, because they reset the passwords for everyone! XD

i cant get the email about the reset because... :T .... yahoo kinda deletes old email accounts after a few years of inactivity, and i never renewed the email for FA! and when i go to yahoo to get the old email reactivated, they ask for a phone number i sure dont recognize and for sure dont remember putting in XD.

so! rip that part of my life :v. and gooooood job furaffinity!
wonder how many people are gonna be boned like me (im sure its only .05% though ...right?!)

(i might be able to start a ticket and complain, but fuck it... ....maybe later :P)
Viewed: 1,052 times
Added: 8 years ago
8 years ago
Damn that sucks, FA just seems to be going from bad to worse anymore with all the problems hitting them.
8 years ago
i kinda hope the massive security breach forces them to actually update and progress the site .... but thats probably wishful thinking :P
8 years ago
Well, think about what World War I and II did for us.
8 years ago
You could also make a new account if you need to.
8 years ago
yeah i probably will ....gotta look for inuyasha/condom related stuff on there somehow!
8 years ago
For a list of the times FA rewrites have been attempted over the years and how they fared... http://stuff.veekun.com/fa-timeline.html
8 years ago
I'm in the same setting (looked at the forums and there are at least a dozen others too) made a throwaway account for a ticket and emailed them at accounts@furaffinity.net

oddly enough I think that yahoo deletion thing got me too. tried to sign onto it earlier and it says no longer active
8 years ago
mine is closed that way too, not that I care.
8 years ago
"Having Trouble?
If you are having issues resetting your password using the above tool you can email us at accounts[at]furaffinity.net for assistance. When emailing PLEASE be sure to include your Fur Affinity username. Staff reply time may vary."

You have use that e-mail to message a staff person and they will help you reset your password if you've forgotten your e-mail
8 years ago
ah, guess thats what i'll have to do :v maybe after a few days, because im sure its swamped with traffic :P
8 years ago
I'd actually suggest doing it now so you'll get one asap. I know it's not important but it saves you having to do it in a week and then noticing that you end up waiting 2 more just to get access to your account.
8 years ago
I'm afraid this is what's finally pushed me off of FA for good. There are a couple of artists I'll miss, but it's not worth remembering emails and resetting passwords, especially when my joining email is probably from a local dialup provider that doesn't even exist anymore
8 years ago
Hopefully this will push most artists off FA and onto other sites as well.
8 years ago
It would be nice. Most do use at least two sites, but there are a few that refuse to diversify.  I've stuck with FA so long because it is that place that everyone goes, and it's easier than having to check 5 different sites for various artists, but it gets to a point that you have to admit there isn't a truly professional admin on the staff and just move on.
8 years ago
I recently commissioned an artist on SoFurry and he tried to get me to make an account on FA for it. I refused. Now after all this, I wonder how that is affecting his commissions. I'm sure quite a few commissions will have been blocked by this.
8 years ago
Didn't care about FurAffinity, anyways, because they don't have these kind of features such as the hide tags and video uploads (ie mp4 or flv).
8 years ago
i wish people would use the god damn tags at all! :l most of the time its used as a joke slot >:l
8 years ago
Same here, but mine was a comcast mail, and I don't use comcast anymore.
8 years ago
Yeah, I've been hearing that from a few artists. You're definitely not the only one who's locked out.
8 years ago
well thats good!... i mean bad... :I maybe they'll reset the reset :P
8 years ago
One can only hope. I imagine such a loss of artists will hit FA hard, especially considering how many are leaving because they got attacked in the first place.
8 years ago
If they did, I think they would somehow manage to swap everyone's login info...
Then we could play account roulette!
8 years ago
contact support for FA they can help you out

Having Trouble?
If you are having issues resetting your password using the above tool you can email us at accounts[at]furaffinity.net for assistance. When emailing PLEASE be sure to include your Fur Affinity username. Staff reply time may vary.
8 years ago
weird, I didn't get the one they claimed to have sent. so I requested a new reset and It worked
8 years ago
Make a new account to explain where to find you. :3
8 years ago
I had the same problem with my account it was using my old Hotmail account i couldn't remember the password but got it fixed by calling Microsoft
8 years ago
i sent a email asking them to give me my stuff we will see how it goes :p
8 years ago
as long as you complain for the sake of getting on so you can note fa users that watch you your moving
8 years ago
I don't even know why you're still using FA. I left years ago.
8 years ago
8 years ago
i use it to look for inuyasha/condom related stuff, and thats it pretty much XD. here and E621 is where i am most.
8 years ago
Probably because most of the other sites suck in their operation, layout, quality, etc. Don't get me started on the things I hate about InkBunny alone.

Any site can be attacked with a zero-day exploit. Fur Affinity isn't the first, and it won't be the last. I just wish we could take all of the malcontent scumbags that do this sort of thing, line them up against the wall, and shoot 'em.
8 years ago
Exact same thing happened to me too
8 years ago
Apparently, that's happening to a lot of artists.
8 years ago
I logged in today and 3 of 4 journals are people complaining about this exact thing.
8 years ago
That sucks. Like a battery powered vacuum. Not too badly, but it still sucks.
8 years ago
That simile is absolute genius!
8 years ago
It seems like more than just a few people are getting screwed over by this and losing access to their FA accounts; with the only solution being to pester Neer and Co via support emails to let them back in. With FA's history of handling trouble tickets before Renashe came on and after he was booted for having a moral compass, I seriously wonder how many such users will be using FA again, if ever.
8 years ago
Ticket is not required in this case. They have an email service!
8 years ago
That stinks. I know the whole FA-down thing screwed up some people. At leased your works are still there, that's good. I've actually stumbled onto your FA account out of curiosity when typing in keywords, low and behold I found your account and I enjoyed your pictures and comics. Both you and Firecat have very cute characters/fursonas and I enjoyed the "adventures" that you two went on. I'm sorry for sounding like an annoying fanboy. I love your works and I know I'll see more of them here on InkBunny. Keep it up!
8 years ago
Yeah, I've honestly been thinking about leaving FA as well.  I'm not going to do it...yet.  However, if things like this continue to happen, then I'm not going to bother with the site any longer.
8 years ago
A security breach that compromised passwords isn't enough for you? Good luck with that
8 years ago
I'm reluctant to leave FA on the count of being able to do stuff there that I can't do here.  I've updated my password (I actually did this before they wiped all of them and had to come up with a NEW password afterwards).  However, much of the stuff that I can do on FA I can also do on SoFurry, so I think that this will be the last chance I'll give FA before I give up on it.
8 years ago
trolled by FA mods
8 years ago
Same trouble for me. I created my FA account so long ago and never really had the e-mail address put to use with that, I don't even remember which one I used for this. >.<

Well, since it worked with my current address on the secondary account, I got in contact with the support team and maybe they will be able to help me.
If not, it's good bye FA once and for all.

Good thing I have everything here also, except for the watch list. Yeah, completely losing that will suck the most ..
8 years ago
trolled for good ;)
Luckily I updated my email on FA a few months ago. I had originally used a throwaway email for registration but then decided it might be better if I have a more permanent solution in cases like this.

but it doesn't end with the password reset

to log in you now need:
enter one of those annoying capchas

every single time.
problem is, its one of those capchas with garbled letters that you get wrong 2 of 3 times. I'm tempted to get one of those OCR-capcha-breakers, because that would likley have a better success rate than my Mk1 eyeball
8 years ago
Lawl, but hey, IB has been much kinder to your material.
8 years ago
you know what funny.. one of there new account mods e-mailed me back to use my inkbunny as proof that it was my account.
8 years ago
is the fa account mod that latterly just helped getting my account back
8 years ago
Dont worry, as you yourself told me while ago, you never used really use it anymore.
8 years ago
8 years ago
i never thought when i retype the password at least i had longest password i ever need
8 years ago
"after a few years of inactivity".... how long we talking? I let mine go for just over 6 years and it is still around. Yahoo was the first e-mail I had when I was younger.
8 years ago
As a buddy of mine from college used to say, "That sucks the Royal Moose Cock".
8 years ago

[quote]If you are having issues resetting your password using the above tool you can email us at accounts[at]furaffinity.net for assistance. When emailing PLEASE be sure to include your Fur Affinity username. Staff reply time may vary.[/quote]

Several other people have already had this "no valid email" problem; all you have to do is email FurAffinity and get a manual account fix that way.
8 years ago
I'm locked out too.
8 years ago
Reactivating my FA was easy.
I just clicked on "Forgot Password" and gave them an email.
They sent me a URL to enter a new password.

The email they ask for is just so they can send you the URL and is not one you used before.
Took me all of 2 minutes.
8 years ago
I'm in the same boat.

'Forgot Password' won't send to my new email account, and my old email account was deleted years ago.

I tried to put in a ticket with the admins to re-open, but you need to be logged in.

Tried to get a new password, but it won't allow new emails.

Tried contacting the admins directly, but you need to be logged in.

So, I put up my issue on Facebook since there seems to be literally no way to talk to anybody on their without accessing your account.

Talk about a design flaw.
8 years ago
i just barely managed to get in since i use aol :T
8 years ago
im in the same boat kit im sending Fa e-mails now the old email i had was linked to netscape.nets e-mail server and i dont think it exsist anymore so i have no way of recovering the password it sucks :( i had someone commissioned to
8 years ago
I am so happy that FA's mods do not run anything vital to all human kind. We would all die a most horrible death. But then again, FA was important to so many. And now it is dead.
8 years ago
It's just FA.  Nothing was lost.
8 years ago
@ kitsuneyoukai    make a email ticket on FA .. i have  lost or forgot my email ... over 5 years ye. and   have help me...  register on new email i have say my  Profilname  .... First and last name  and  birthday...  5 hours later   confirm on email  ... and  can make a new passwort.
8 years ago
mine's toast too... haven't used that particular e-mail in over four years.  Went inactive before that.
8 years ago
similiar problem here, i havent recieved the email on my gmail so either im not going to get it or my account was deleted, what was the time frame again?
8 years ago
also crap im getting deviantart and slight steam flashbacks here about how people are responding, i bet this is exactly what the guy who did this wanted, and while im not a huge part of the community i very much care about what happens to it. and this was definitely not shits and giggles, to me it seemw like it was done out of pure spite of the community.
8 years ago
Well I will still love watching you here on IB.
8 years ago
Same boat here. I opened my account there at FA about 13 years ago, and duh...that email is looooooong gone. I emailed that "help" account, and am POSITIVE they will answer me in very short order.

...right away. Quick, like a bunny.

....Yuppers, that password reset help mail is on its way, I'm sure.

....any time now.

..........................internet superhighway, you know.

.......any minute...............................
8 years ago
only took me 30 min to reactivate mine almost long enough to get a pizza delivered for free!
such a pain in the tail
8 years ago
oh man.  my fa account is gone for good.  I don't think it isn't worthy to recover although I only follow few artists there.
8 years ago
Still trying to guess the correct answer for the security question my old Email has. Three tries per day! Today is day 2.
8 years ago
well atleast you can guess! :P im sure i never put that phone number in there that its asking for with mine, lol.
8 years ago
That's not good!
I wonder if the FA creators ever imagined something like this could happen.
8 years ago
i didnt bother to read comments tldr em
but they did mention theres a way to get
access by emailing them. no ticket needed
8 years ago
herpy is going down  Oo.....    have any a backup with the pics XDDD
8 years ago
Hmm looks like the mods at FA are handling that better than I expected  :) I'm positively impressed this time about this aspect.
8 years ago
Same here, dude! Bye, bye FA.
8 years ago
That's odd. I never used my old yahoo account that I registered my FA account to, yet because I had emailed my primary account a password hint, I was able to use that to log in with no problems. They never disabled the account on me.
8 years ago
I spent a good hour trying to remember the right GMail.
A lot of people lost their account because if this. Also Hoping that they revamp the privacy and encrypt the password recovery with https.
8 years ago
Inkbunny's better than FA anyway.
8 years ago
i so agree :P
8 years ago
You could do what others in your situation have done and make a new account
8 years ago
same thing happened to me.
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